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Amelia pov.
I push myself to run faster as I hear Bree scream. I see her on the ground screaming and I'm by her side growling at everyone around me. "Who's that?" The blonde girl asks glaring at me. "Amelia." Bree gasps finally out of misery. "Who brought you here? Who made you?" The blonde asks glaring at Bree. "I don't know Rylie didn't tell us." Bree choked out "her name was Victoria you may know her." A guy said "Edward if the volturi knew of Victoria they would have stopped her." A man said "right." The blonde girl said "Felix deal with her I'd like to leave." She said and I look to the big guy who doesn't move instead is looking at me in awe. "Mate." He whispered and the blonde girl glares at him. "Deal with her." She snapped pointing at Bree and he hesitates but nods moving forward. I growl and stand up in front of Bree. "You harm my sister and I'll reject you." I seethe and he stops in his tracks "what if she stays with us? If she can't switch to animal blood and control her thirst you can come back and kill her." The guy Edward said "fine whatever one more screw up from her and she's dead." The blonde girl said and I help Bree off the ground. "That one comes with us though." She said pointing to me. Bree is about to argue but I know if she did she would die. "Bree I'll be okay. You of all people should know I can take care of myself." I say and she hugs me tightly "I love you." She said "I love you too little sister." I say and kiss her head then pull away. "Take care of her. Please." I asks the people around us and they all nod. "Let's go." The blonde said and I follow them.
I follow them in silence to a private plane. "So what's you name?" The guy with spiked hair asks "Amelia." I say and Felix smiles at me and I return with a glare. "I'm Demetri, this is Jane and Alec and that's Felix." Demetri said and I nod. The rest of the plane ride I was silent while I looked out the window.
   When we landed we went to a castle. "Great you four are back! But who is this." Aro asks "her names Amelia and she's my mate." Felix said and reached for my hand but I pulled it away before he could. "May I?" Aro asks holding out a hand. I've heard from a friend about the volturi and the leaders Aro can see every thought I've ever had. I sigh and put my hand in his and he looks through my mind. When he's done I pull my hand away and he looks to Felix then to me. "He was only following orders dear." Aro said and I shake my head "doesn't matter. Now can I leave?" I ask and he frowns "you should stay to be with your mate but if you really don't want to you may leave. But with your gift you'd always be welcome here and you'd be apart of the elite guard." Aro said and Caius finally looks interested "What gift?" He asks and Aro smiles at me "she can electrocute people with her mind. Kind of like with James gift but it's much more intense and can even kill. She's also very strong and fast as well as a good tracker." He said almost like he was in awe at how much power I hold. "Then I think she should stay." Caius said and I shake my head "I must get back to my sister." I say and Aro nods "if that's what you want then you may leave. But you're always welcome her and there will always be a place on the guard for you." Aro said and I nod "thank you." I say and he smiles then nods. I turn to leave when I'm grabbed from behind. I know it's Felix so to show off I use my gift. He stumbles back then falls to the ground. Electricity bouncing around his body as he screamed in agony. I flinch and stop for some reason his pain caused me pain. Damn mate bond. "Good bye." I tell Felix who tries to stand but falls to the ground still trying to recover from what I did.
   I run all the way back to forks. It takes awhile but I make it. When I get there the vampires that took my sister in are waiting outside and when I get into the yard I'm tackled by Bree. "I missed you so much." She said then pulls away from me and we stand "what are you doing here I thought you were that big guys mate." Bree asks "well Aro let me choose wether to stay or go. He said I was always welcome and would have a place on the guard. Felix tried to stop me but got electrocuted." I say and she frowns "but he's your mate why don't you be with him." She asks "he tried killing you." I say "he was just following orders if he didn't he would have been punished." The older guy said "Carlisle is right. But i read his mind he wasn't going to hurt Bree he didn't want to." The guy I think his name is Edward said "I know he wouldn't have hurt her I saw it." The pixie looking chick said "saw it?" I ask "Alice can see the future." Bree said and I nod "still I don't want to be with him." I say and everyone nods "you're welcome to stay here." The women with the heart shaped face said "thank you." I say and she nods and we all go inside. "So did Victoria change you?" The human asks and I shake my head. "I was turned 2 years before Bree by a man named Eleazar. I had just been raped and was near death. He said he was going to leave me but he saw how gifted I'd be and felt he had to. I stayed with him and his coven till our parents died and Bree was turned." I explained "the Denali coven are like our cousins." Carlisle said "you're the Cullens?" I ask and Carlisle nods "that's cool. I've heard a lot about you all." I say and they all introduce themselves to me. We spend the rest of the night talking and getting to know each other well Edward took Bella home.

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