Date with the wrong person

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You return like autumn,

And I fall every time.




Ruh's POV:


Hi, it's Rohan here. 

Meet at 6?


Hi Rohan. Yes sure. Where?

BTW how you got my number?

I quickly saved his number in my phone wondering how he got it.


Cafe Coffee Day?

I have my own ways.



Ok. Yeah sure Mr. Own ways!


Meet you then Bye.



I quickly bid bye to children and headed back home to get ready because I had only one hour with me. I was not going on a date so I simply wore casual outfit. Dark blue t-shirt with 'MISS. BIG MOUTH' written on it, I paired it with my white jeans and black action shoes. I applied moisturizer and nude lip gloss. Made a messy bun out of my hair and I was ready to go. I still had 20 minutes with me so decided to check on Nivi. I didn't told her about yesterday's event at orphanage otherwise she would have held grudges against Abhimaan. And also she had been quiet distant from past 1 month since Malhotra's visit. I was giving her space so she would herself open up with me. I entered her room only to find it empty. Where she would have gone? I tried her number but it was out of coverage area. I had only 10 minutes left with me so decided to meet her once I return. I went downstairs and headed out towards my car.


I was 2-3 minutes early there so decided to wait till Rohan comes. I ordered a cup of coffee for myself and settled comfortably on my chair. 

20 minutes were already past and there were no sign of Rohan, even her number was switched off. I decided to head back home. I got up to leave just to bump into something or rather someone. I lifted my eyes to see who was there when I saw it was him. What is this idiot Abhimaan doing here. He was smiling sheepishly at me.

"What are you doing here? It was Rohan who was coming."

"Uh, actually no. I asked him to call you here so that I can apologize to you for yesterday. I am sorry.", he said scratching the back of his head. 

"Every sorry don't need it's ok.", I said picking my phone from the table to go back home. He stopped me by holding my hands. I felt something fluttering, something sparking inside me but shrugged the feeling. His hands were rough yet warm. Big enough to cover my small ones.

"Please sit. I hope you won't mind having a cup of coffee with me.", he said with pleading eyes.

"I already had one.", I said ignoring his request.

"Please. Just one with me." I just nodded in acceptance because today I was in no mood to argue. I sat back on my seat and he ordered for 2 cups of coffee.

"About yesterday-"

"I don't want to talk about it."

"But I need to explain."

"Go ahead, but it in mind that your sugar- coated words and reason will not alter my hatred for you."

"Uh, so I said that because I was desperate to sponsor at least one organization under my name. My father owns 30 organization under his name when he was the CEO of our company. But I was unable to get one. I am sorry for whatever I said but I don't mean any thing that I said yesterday. I am sorry."

"You were desperate doesn't justify your words. I might just be blank threat for you Mr. Abhimaan Rathode but for those children it may be true. People like you can do whatever they wish if their needs are not fulfilled. And I think you are one of them. First impression is the last impression they say, but people try to be at their best when they meet the second time. But it all was exact opposite in your case. You didn't left any stone unturned to show your lower side to me.", I hissed at him. By this point I was infuriated beyond limit. I just wanted to punch on his face but somehow I controlled myself. Of course IAS hitting someone publicly off- duty is the last thing I want. I was able to just touch my phone when his words froze me-

"Ca- can I have your number please? No I won't do anything wrong with it I just wanted being the bff of Rohan. So if you don't mind can I?". I glared at him suspiciously but anyways gave it.

"91******76. And I don't want to get the news that my number is being misused. Clear?"

He nodded obediently to my words. I picked my phone and started walking out of the cafe.

"Bye Ruh.", his simple bye made something spark inside me, but what I don't know and I don't even want to know. I sat on the drive seat and started driving when my phone pinnged indicating that I got a message. I slowed down my car when I saw I had messages from two people- 1 from Nivi and another from unknown number. I immediately opened Nivi's message to check what she wants to say.


Ruh, please meet me at our usual spot in 15 minutes. I have something to tell you. I need your help Ruh.


Ok, I'll be there. Don't worry.

I opened another message to see who this unknown person is. As I saw the name I regreted opening it. Ahhhhh! Why me?


Hi. Abhimaan here. You can save my number.

I didn't replied to it but left it seen. I have to go meet Nivi. I immediately sped up my car and in 10 minutes I was standing out of our spot. While going inside I spotted a black Mercedes. No one except me and Nivi know about this place, not even Shauvik. Then who might it be?

As soon as I got inside I saw Nivi sitting there on the sofa. She was not alone, someone else was too present there but who? I was unable to see the face but I guess I know this person.

"Nivi", I called her out when she turned towards me and I saw who was sitting there. WHAT THE HELL IS THIS PERSON DOING HERE?


Cliffhanger Alert!!

What do you think who might be present there?

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