Surprise Visit

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We look into each other's eyes

And feed the lies pretending to be wise.


Abhimaan's POV:


Sunshine was playing the same ignoring game from last one month as she was doing earlier. It really hurts whenever she says that one day she will leave me. She has already said it twenty times in last one month. Yes, I keep the count and these are her exact words- "Abhimaan, one day I'll leave you and no need to search me."

I was at office when I got a call from Rohan. It's still my working hour then why is he calling? Anyways I picked it.

"Abhi, go back home fast, Ruh called Nivi, she is in some problem.", he said in panic tone as soon as I received the call. I immediately disconnected it because I didn't wanted to waste even a second in reaching home. I rushed towards my car and instantly sped the car towards home.

I somehow covered 30 minutes distance in 20 minutes and ran towards the main entrance. I saw Ruh entering alongside me. Wait! Must not she be in some problem and already inside the house?

"Ruh what happened?", I asked concerned.

"What! Even I want to ask the same. What happened? You were in some problem?", she asked panicked.

"No I'm not in any problem but Rohan said that you-", I stopped when realisation hit me.

"Come on. I guess Rohan and Nivi are here.", I said looking towards sunshine's confused frown getting deepen. But she followed me in without uttering any other word. As soon we entered together, confetti and sparkles fell on us and laughing Rohan and Nivi came in view.

"Hello guys! How was the surprise? Loved it na?", Rohan asked still laughing. He gave me heart attack and is now asking how was the surprise. I immediately charged upon him with my wonderful punch on his idiotic face.

"You stupid. You seriously made me worried about her. I won't leave you today.", I hissed lowly to him. That shameless creature just smiled.

"You really love her na!?", he said which made me stop my punches on him. I looked away and nodded meekly. He pushed me and stood up. We turned our faces towards Ruh and Nivi only to find them going upstairs towards Ruh's room.

"Come, let's catch up.", Rohan said indicating towards the whiskey, kept on coffee table. Probably he brought it. 

"So tell me how is your life going after marriage. And dare you hide anything.", he said picking up the bottle and heading towards my room. 

"Same, her presence is not affecting my routine at all. She remains busy with her work and I with mine. No change at all.", I said closing the door behind me and sitting on couch.

"Then leave her na. What is stopping you?", he said filling my glass.

"Love. This feeling is stopping me to move away from her.", I said taking a sip from my glass. "I realised that I have stopped living life like before, like careless person I was. I am literally just trying to get to the next day, just breathing with the thought of tomorrow. And to be more precise, I'm not living but waiting. Waiting for her to feel that how much I care for her, how much I love her But the problem is I am scared whether she will reciprocate this love or not. I am scared of the result.", I continued taking another sip.

"You know, she hides all her problems behind her smile, but behind that smile she is hurt and in pain. You may feel as if you know her but no, you can't know even the half of her. She is really great in hiding her pain. I felt that she loves being alone. She needs time to think deeper than she feel. Her alone time helps her t think about her next step and this is where I get worried because she says that 'One day I'll leave you'. I am scared of the consequences, what if I confess my feelings to her and she leaves that very second and- and never come back? She hates me, she can't trust anyone. What if on the path of turning her hate into love and gaining her trust I loose her? Forever and ever? So I am giving her time and space. If she wants to then she will open up herself, till then I will breath in hope.", I finished saying my thoughts to Rohan. It took me three glasses to pour out my feelings. I am really scared by the end result. I she really leaves me then I won't be able to continue being the old careless Abhimaan, I'll change and that's why I am scared. Because love has the power to mend a heart or break it beyond limits.

"Abhi, till when are you going to live a life of what ifs? Come out of your comfort zone, then see what wonder it will do. Have you thought that if you'll confess to her, you'll keep dying, day by day. Abhi take the chance, even if she leaves you, she won't go without explanation as to why is she leaving. You can't get something if you don't try. Try Abhi try. I know you can do it without making her leave. Don't try to turn her hatred into love, it will take time but one day it will surely turn and with that she will start trusting you. Be the Abhimaan you are, don't shut yourself because you are scared. Give it a try and see what will it cause. You are listening to me right?"

Rohan is right, if I don't confess my feelings to her then she'll never be able to know about them. If she even leaves then I will be satisfied that she know about my feelings.

"Hmm. I think I should give it a try."

"That's like my Abhi.", he said patting my back. I gave him a sad small smile.

Sunshine wait for me, I'll confess my love to you soon.


So Abhimaan is all ready to confess his feelings to his sunshine.

What do you think will be Ruh's reaction to it?

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