Mrs. Attitude

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I can't even hold your hand,
But I love you the way
No one can understand.


Abhimaan's POV:

I woke up the strong light of sun coming through the curtains. Ow! This back hurts so much. Damn this sofa! I stretched a little and my eyes landed on sleeping figure of Ruh on bed. I smiled a little and glanced towards the clock to see the time, 8.00 a.m.. I got up and went towards bathroom to take a warm shower to relax my muscles. Today we have to go to my penthouse. I turned on the shower and stretched my muscles. I didn't thought that Ruh will become comfortable with my family this early, when chutki asked if she could come with us I thought that Ruh will not be comfortable with her but no, she agreed to this. Of course it is only me whom she hates and is not comfortable. Huh. Wearing my clothes I went downstairs to meet other members.

Mom, dad and chutki were sitting on the couch sipping tea and chattering. 

"Good morning everyone.", I said sitting beside chutki.

"Good morning", the three said.

"Abhi, when will you guys go to your penthouse?", dad asked while taking a sip from his cup.

"As soon as Ruh wakes up.", I said shrugging because I myself don't know when will she wake up. Half an hour went by when suddenly chutki shouted-

"Oh my God! Bhabhi is looking so beautiful in saree!" There my sunshine was coming down in a simple black saree and talking over phone with all serious look on her face.

"Yes Tiwari ji, I'll surely report today. Yes. Bye.", she ended the call and came towards us, a formal smile on her face. Why formal?

"Good morning", she wished looking towards everyone except me.

"Good morning."

"Bhabhi, where are you going?", chutki being curious cat asked. Oh yeah, they don't know who Ruh is!

"To my office!?", Ruh said uncertain.

"Means?", this time mom asked her while pushing her to sit beside me.

'Uh, I am IAS and I have got transferred here, so have to report today for my duty.", Ruh said with a frown on her face.

"What. bhabhi is IAS!", chutki was quick to come out of shock. Haha! That's my wife for you.

"Yes. Why didn't you guys knew?", Ruh said glancing towards me to see whether I told them anything or not. Oops! I forgot to tell. Who cares! I sipped from my cup and started working on my phone to avoid Ruh's constant glare.

"Ok. That's really amazing Ruh. But you have to do your kitchen ritual right now.", mom said keeping her now empty cup on table.

"But mom, I don't know how to cook. There was cook back at my house so-"

"Shut up Ruh! I didn't expected this from you. Come on stand up.", mom said standing up with a strict voice. Ruh stood up immediately. I guess she could only be tamed by word 'mother'. Mom started walking towards kitchen with Ruh trailing behind her. They entered the kitchen and soon laughing voices could be heard. What! Are they cooking or joking in there? The two came out after 5 minutes, laughing like mad. What happened in there!

"Mom, I really got scared by your voice. But I really loved this ritual.", Ruh said laughing heartly.

"Mom, what happened?", I asked. Does she have split personality disorder or something?

"Nothing dear son. Ask your wife."

"Oh God, Abhimaan mom is so cool. She simply took me inside and asked me to pick a spoon and stir kheer with it. That's it, ritual done! Can you believe it!", Ruh sobered up a little. I smile seeing her laughing like this.

"Okay guys, I am getting late. Bye everyone.", she said picking up her phone and walked out.

"Abhi, don't you have to go to office?", dad asked.

"Yes dad, I am going.", with that said I went out and rode the car to my office.

I was on my way when I saw a traffic ahead, I decided to take another turn but a saree caught my attention. It was the same saree my sunshine was wearing today. I immediately parked my car on side and went towards the crowd to see what was happening. Sunshine was kneeled down with a bleeding head of a small boy on her lap. The boy must be of 6-7 years, wearing ragged clothes. She dialed someone and stood up with rage, with boy in her arms. She marched towards a man and slapped hard on his face. I guess the man was drunk because he was not able to stand without falling.

"You bastard. Who gave you the freaking permission to drink and drive. Huh? And to top it all you hit a small kid."

"So what? He is roadside kid, a beggar. He anyways don't have any life, any future.", he said as if it was not a big deal to hit that kid. My blood boiled, I wished to punch him and here he got a punch. Ruh punched him so hard that he stumbled back and fell on road.

"So does that give you right to take some innocent's life. You fucker, each and every life is important, whether small or big, rich or poor. Do you understand!", her gaze was so intense that if she could she will beat him black and blue.

"Huh. Who are you? Prime Minister or President to give lecture like this? O r are you any relative to that stupid kid?", he said getting onto his feet.

"I am a responsible citizen of this country.", she said not mentioning who she really is.

"Responsible citizen. My foot. Ahhh!", he once again fell on road. I was controlling my laughter on the reason of his falling. As soon as he said 'my foot', sunshine pulled his foot with hers' and tripped him down.

"What do women think of yourself? You are very smart, huh? You don't know who I am! Just wait and watch how I will leave you on knees begging in front of me.", he said fetching out his phone. He clicked her picture and started typing something. Ruh simply rolled her eyes and said 'Try me'. Within 5 minutes, that man was on his knees in front of Ruh.

"I am sorry ma'am. I am so sorry. I didn't knew who were you. Please forgive me.", Ruh held his face and made him look towards her.

"Oh, this is what you meant by 'sitting on knees and pleading'. Huh! And what did you said, we women think we are smart. You idiot, we don't think because we know we are smart. Maybe not too smart but definitely smarter than people like you. We very well know with whom we have to act smart and with him equal. Now you are going to pay his hospital bills.", with that said she started moving towards her car with boy still in her arms.

"Ma'am, aren't you going to punish me?", he said standing on his feet.

"Oh yes. Shubham take fine from him for drink and drive and hit and run. And dear Mumbaikars, he is in your hands, do whatever you want except for killing. After all he even has to pay the bill of hospital. No?", she said with attitude. Sat inside and went away. These people are really something, they wee beating him like there is no tomorrow. I saw guilt in her eyes, because she was not supposed to say this to public but she was helpless. She wanted to show power and she did.

 I went back to my car and strolled towards office for rest of the day. We decided to go to my house once we return from our works.


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