Taking her care

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Your hands in mine,

And face holding smile as of wine

How I wish to drown deep in them,

But still can't get enough of them.


Abhimaan's POV:


I don't know why Ruh was so tensed but I could feel something serious might have happened otherwise she is a person who don't care for anything so easily. I shrugged and got back to my meeting. After about 25 minutes I got a call from an unknown number.


"Mr. Abhimaan Rathode?"


"Sir please come to City Hospital, your wife's condition is serious.", the phone feel from my hand suddenly everything in front of me started getting blurred and only 'city hospital' and 'wife' rung in my ears like some alarm.

"Sir. Sir, are you okay?", Shri asked concerned and handed me some water. I chucked it down and ran to my car. I need to go to her, soon. Please sunshine be okay.

I reached hospital within 10 minutes and ran inside.

"Ru- Ruh Rathode?", I asked the receptionist panicked.

"OT. Second floor, left side third room.", she said pointing towards elevator. No, no I don't have time to wait for the elevator to come. I ran upstairs towards the room she told. As I reached, doctor was coming out from the room.

"Wha-what happened to her?"

"She is your-?", he asked brown joint together.

"M-my wife. I am Abhimaan Rathode."

"Oh! Mr. Rathode, she is out of danger but I don't think that she will be able to regain her consciousness soon. She hit her head on the dashboard, enough blood was lost and even her right arm got broken.", he said patting my back and went away. She was coming to but I had to come to her that too in hospital. I immediately informed our families about it.

Shubham, her P.A. came running towards me.

"Sir, she got in an accident near the highway. She was going to Taj but-", I nodded meekly to him. 

"How is she?"

"Out of danger.", I said and moved towards reception to complete the formalities.


"Mr. Rathode, now you can take her back. She is fine but still needs rest and care. I suggest to not let her do any work for at least a month.", the doctor informed me and went away.

"We'll take her back to Delhi. I don't trust you. I feel as if you are behind all this. That day at airport too it was you who bad mouthed about my family just because I didn't said sorry to you for you mistake, now I can't trust you with my sister.", Shauvik exclaimed eyeing me.

"Shauvik. Let bygones be bygones. I don't think he will stoop so low. Person can say anything in anger. So stop it now. Abhi, Ruh will stay here with you. We'll go back Delhi by today evening, I have already booked our tickets.", maa said or rather ordered with her strict motherly tone. Shauvik was unable to say anything after this instead nodded slowly, he gave a dead look to me once and went behind her.

I went inside to Ruh's room, a nurse was helping her to stand up. I in a second went near her and picked her up bridal style.

"You idiot! What do you think you are doing? Put me down, I do have legs and can walk.", she shouted, eyeing me deadly.

"I know very well that you can walk but it is me who don't want you to make any pressure on your legs. You might fall.", she muttered something under her breath but I could listen what. I started walking to car with her in my arms. Guard opened the car door for me, I made Ruh sit on passenger's seat and went to sit on driver's.

Soon we reached home. I once again carried her bridal style till her room and settled her on the bed.

"You take rest for a while. I'll just go and prepare something for you to eat.", I said pulling blanket over her. She didn't said anything, I think she was deep in her thoughts. I came to kitchen to prepare soup for her. I had already informed Shri that I won't be coming to office for at least a month but will work from home. I was done with the soup and carried it to the room. I found Ruh sleeping peacefully so didn't got heart to wake her up. I went near the night stand and kept the bowl on it. I turned back to go out when a hand stopped me.

"Maan", is it Ruh speaking or someone else. I looked at her and found her sleeping. She looked so pretty while sleeping and hearing my name from Ruh's sleeping form was something I never imagined. I smiled contended and went back to my room to catch on some sleep, it was anyways night time so I don't think she will wake up anytime soon.

Morning came faster than I thought. I stretched a little and went to Ruh's room to check on her. As I entered I found Ruh sitting up straight and her nose scrunched with her side part of t-shirt in her hands.

"Yuck, Maan I stink like hospital. I need a bath.", oh yes she didn't took bath for a week. A girl who takes bath for at least three times a day didn't took bath for a week.

"But how are you going to bath? Doctor strictly said water should reach even near to your right hand and you are a right hand person."

"Argh! Damn this arm. How I wish to cut it and throw it away. no arm, no problem."

"Now are you going to answer me how will you manage? Don't na Ruh, you can wait for a week or two more then I'll ask doctor-"

"No, no, no, no, no, no! I'll take bath today itself although I might need your little help.", she said with her bottom lip rolled between her teeth. No Ruh please-

"You firstly go and warm some water for me. Go. Shoo!", I obliged her and went to warm water. After warming it I came out and found her standing outside the bathroom.

"Now what Your Highness?"

"Now come.", she strolled inside bathroom with me behind her as a puppy.

"Take off my top and pant then give me a bath and go. Eyes should be closed all the time. If not then you should not forget my legs still work.", by the time she finished her command, I was left rooted to ground. Is she for real? I anyways did as she said with my eyes closed all the time. When she was done I handed her the robe, which she wore herself but knot was tied by me. 

"Come, now brush my teeth.", she ordered, again. Damn her orders! I obliged to her again. See what love can make a CEO do! I brushed her teeth then helped her to wear clothes, eyes again closed. We decided to watch some movie and spend the whole day. So that was how my day ended even before starting, wearing my night suit all day and doing works My Highness.


Abhimaan is so amazing!

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