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"You kidding me? I'll never be able to jump that high. Two meters was high, four meters- no way!"

"But you jumped two meters, now, didn't you?"

Jimin stared at the high wall in front of him. They couldn't possibly believe he was gonna make that, did they? Scratch what they thought he could or could not do. He knew he was never gonna make it.

"I thought you were here to train me."

"We are training you."

"You put me in front of an obstacle and expect me to just overcome it?"


"And what if I don't? Overcome it, I mean?"

"Then you try again. Until you do."

"And if I'm not physically able to overcome it...?"

"Listen, Jimin. You overcome it or you're out of the program. Get it?"

So Jimin took a last look up at the wall, stepped back, jumped. And fell. Failed.

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