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Aaaah, I finally finished this book! It took me what, two years? Sorry about the too many hiatuses and the a-bit-too-unpredictable updating-schedule. But we got through!

I hope you enjoyed reading this as much as I enjoyed writing it. It was one hell-of-a rollercoaster!

A big, huuuuge, thanks to everyone who's voted and commented, it really means the world to me. Please continue doing that ;D

And thanks for 22k reads! That's just.. wow. 

So, any thoughts on the ending? I'd love to hear what you think about this story!

And I'm so so sorry for my sacrifices. Even though I ended up saving two more characters than I originally planned, I guess this story does contain major character death...

But, I guess with two people still alive the story's not dead yet, am I right? I'm actually planning on writing a sequel to this. Not entirely sure how long that will take me since it's not all planned out yet. So if you have any requests, I'd be happy to hear them and maybe I'll include them in the story if they go along with what I already have in mind.

I'm also planning on writing the sequel a bit differently than Freaks. I've tried writing this kinda "short", if that makes sense, and even though I think it fits the vibe of the story, it doesn't really give you the opportunity to get to know the characters etc. So another writing-style for the sequel, probably.

Actually, this writing style just feels like it was a bad idea generally.. In all honesty, looking at the finished product, it doesn't feel like I've given the story justice? Like, I had this great idea in mind, but looking at Freaks as it's currently written, it's just not as "powerful" as I originally thought it'd be. I think that's really thanks to the short chapters (or perhaps the fact I've read each chapter at least three times and the shock-factor isn't really there for me anymore). 

Anyway, you haven't really gotten to bond with any of the characters, so if I ever was to rewrite this, that'd be what I'd fix first, no doubt.

Oh, I almost forgot! Let me just mention that this story was inspired by the movie Glass. I'm sure you can see how. Just hope this isn't plagiarism or anything haha

Again, big thanks for your support and for reading this! I hope I'll see you in the near future. Love you guys! :) <3

(May I just add that I'm getting all emotional right now. I didn't think it'd affect me this much, but I almost didn't publish the last chapter just to hold onto the story a bit longer. This has been such a journey for me, so leaving this behind is gonna feel so weird and empty :') )

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