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"Gathering everyone? Like group therapy? Why would you need my help with holding group therapy meetings?"

"Think of it like this. They're a pack of hungry wolves, waiting to force their fangs into us and shred us apart. We need you to lead them. Be their alpha."

"How about we introduce ourselves? My name's Kim Namjoon."

"So, you're basically telling me to trick them into liking you?"

"I wouldn't call it tricking, more like guiding them, helping them put their trust in us."

"What if the government isn't as bad as we thought? What if they only saw you and wanted to lend a hand?"

"They're a bunch of people with trust issues. You really believe this is gonna work?"

"I'm sure you will find a way. You're their alpha after all."

"Please trust me. You can always trust me."

Always truly is a promise no one can ever keep. 

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