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He had looked up at the sound of someone clearing their throat. Looking around he had found himself staring at the person everyone else seemed to be staring at as well - a man in his twenties.

“I just- since everyone clearly doesn’t know what to talk about, how about we introduce ourselves?”

The man had looked around the group, meeting Hoseok’s eyes briefly, before turning his gaze to the next person.

Everyone had stared at him blankly, while Hoseok looked at him with curiosity.

“Alright, I’ll start then. My name’s Kim Namjoon. I’m 24 years old, and well…”

The silence had filled the room again.

Hoseok had stared at the man and his lips had formed a smile.

“I’ll go next if that’s alright.”

And the tension that had been so thick had finally started to loosen up.

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