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"You look tense, you sure you're okay?"

"Yeah, all good. Don't worry.", Seokjin answered and forced a smile in Yoongi's direction. He decided to just shrug it off like the rest of them and cast a glance at their unofficial leader.

"Okay, seriously. We've been doing this for weeks now. When are we going to discuss the actual elephant in the room?"

He watched as all tensed up remarkably but decided to keep on going.

"When are we going to discuss the fact that we're all prisoners in a building without exits and question why the hell we're here?"

The room went silent and all that could be heard was the uncomfortable twisting and turning.

"I've done some thinking. What if the government isn't as bad as we thought?", Namjoon suddenly asked the group.

"What? You mean except for locking us in concrete rooms without windows?" Yoongi sneered at him.

"But what if that is because they don't trust us?"

"Then we'd be even." he answered again, slowly losing his cool. What he had hoped would be a group discussion on how they would escape had turned into a two-person conversation about how they should trust their enemies.

"What I'm trying to say is, what if-"

Yoongi couldn't take it anymore, stood up so abruptly that his chair fell behind him with a bang, and stormed out of the room after having banged on the door and forced a guard to take him back to his room.

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