Chapter 05.

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The day I have been dreading is finally here. Today is the anniversary of losing both my dad and sister. I decided not to attend school today so I could go visit their graves and grieve a bit. I got out of bed rubbing my eye. They were the highlight of my day but now I just feel lost without them. The moment they left my mom barely cares for me and I don't have any other family to live with. I don't have enough money saved up to move out yet which sucks. I would stay with Harlow but I'm not sure if her parents want another person to worry about. Bryson's parents like me but I don't want to explain to them the reason I don't want to live with my mom anymore. I'm a private person and I hate when people think they know what's going on in my life.

I finally got out of bed and went to my closet looking for some clothes to put on quickly. My mom entered my room staring at me.

"Why you not at school love?" She asked, genuinely confused.

"Today is the day we lost them to the crash, decided to go to the grave" I could hear her sigh.

"You need to move on, you can't be missing school over this" the hint of annoyance was very clear. "This could've waited until after school." I furrowed my eyebrows looking at her.

"Wow mom, why do you suddenly not care that we lost them all of a sudden"

"I didn't say that, I just moved on and you should too" I twisted my lips not wanting to continue this conversation with her.

"Go to school Jazlyn and grow up" she walked out closing my door.

The one parent that understood me has left me with a woman who could care less about my feelings

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The one parent that understood me has left me with a woman who could care less about my feelings. Now that I think about it, she got remarried hella fast. Back then I didn't question it because the accident was so fresh to me that whatever made my mom happy I went along with it. I wiped the fallen tears on my face and grabbed my earbuds. Since I never tried for my license nor do I have a car, I had to walk there. I didn't want to be bothered by anyone else who could possibly piss me off more than my mom. I stuffed the earbuds in my ears and walked out the house. The walk wasn't too far so I should get there in no time.

Mostly everyday is depressing but today was even worse. Talking to them keeps me balanced even if it is a one way conversation. I'm starting to question if my mom even loved dad or was she relieved that he was gone. I finally arrived at the graveyard going straight to their graves when I saw a woman sitting there. Throughout the times I have come here, I have never seen her.

"Excuse me, do you know them?" I asked politely as the woman looked up at me. Her face was covered by the sporty baseball cap on her head.

"Yeah I was a friend of Morgan, hard to believe she's gone" I took a seat by her. Morgan never introduced me to her friends but I know she had a lot of them.

"Well I'm her sister Jazlyn, we never met" I said sticking my hand out.

"I'm sad that it has to be under these circumstances, nice to meet you" her phone went off.

"Uh I'm sorry but I have to go, take care" she didn't even tell me her name. She quickly took off but from what I saw she had a butterfly tattoo on the back of her arm. I turned around staring at their gravestones. I took a deep breath as I rubbed my fingertips over their tombstones. I had so many questions I wanted to ask the women. Out of all times, why did she choose this year to visit. I looked up to the sky as I felt a couple rain drops fall onto my forehead. This was supposed to be a good day not a gloomy one.

Hey guys. It's been awhile but i decided to give you guys a filler chapter. Let me know what you guys think of this chapter.


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