Chapter 01.

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It was probably past 4am in the morning and I have yet to fall asleep on this school night, since my stepdad was arguing with my mother. They don't realize how thin these walls are and how much I can hear throughout the night. I rolled over and decided to go ahead and get my day started. I looked at myself through the mirror sighing as I saw the many bruises that were around my neck and arms. Sometimes I get lucky and get away before he has the chance to beat on me and sometimes I don't. Times like this I wish my father was still living. He never gave up on mother and I even if we were a handful.

I hopped into the shower once it got steamy, it helped with the bruising pain. The bickering between the two only got louder as the time passed. Soon after I hopped out and went into my room grabbing some clothes to throw on. I grabbed some makeup and started covering up the bruises on my neck. My phone started ringing.


"Bestie!! I'm on my way to come get you" Harlow said loudly through the phone. I chuckled.

"Text me when your outside" after we exchanged some words, the call ended. Harlow has been with me through everything I have went through. She knows about my situation at home and usually allows me to stay the night at her house every so often. My mom truly tries everything to protect me but she just can't seem to leave Charles. I just wish she would realize her love will not save their relationship. He is an abuser that does not deserve my mother's kind heart. After I got everything situated I grabbed my belongings and headed downstairs.

"Good morning Jazlyn" Charles said staring me down. I relocated my eyes away from his. I went into the kitchen grabbing some snacks and a water for lunch when I felt his nasty old hands gripping my thigh.

"Speak when I'm talking to you bitch" tears threaten to fall down my face as I felt his hands rub against me.

"I have to go to school, please let go"I said barely over a whisper. If it wasn't for the doorbell ringing I honestly wouldn't know what he would've done. He removed his hands and I scurried to the door wiping away the few tears that fell. I put in the happiest face as I greeted my best friend.

"Did you get any sleep?" She asked once we got in the car.

"Unfortunately I didn't, more like I got Insomnia" we shared a laugh as we stopped by Chick-fil-A. We usually leave early to get some breakfast before heading to school.

"So my parents told me that my brother lives down here" I raised my eyebrow.

"Really, it's been so many years since you guys last saw him" Harlow brother was like the rebel in the family I guess you can say. Her parents didn't condone a lot of things and for some reason her brother made sure to do everything they didn't like.

"Yeah he's coming over for dinner tonight, and I was wondering if you wanted to join us?" I'm not even sure what her brother looks like anymore, I haven't really seen him since we were real young.

"I don't wanna invade y'all little family reunion though" she sucked her teeth.

"My parents won't mind" "and I just thought since you had a little crush on him, you should come over" she said with a smirk. I rolled my eyes at her comment.

"Harlow that crush was years ago, I doubt I still have it" for the longest she has been trying to play match maker since we were kids. We got our food and made our way to school. The ride to school was pretty short as we pulled into the parking lot.

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