Bloody Painter - Part 2

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On the 17th of November, the night was dead quiet, that place was silent, which made his house in the middle of a field look more eerie. The police broke the lock on the door and opened it slowly. A rotten stench greeted the intruders from the darkness of the house.

One of the policemen shown a torch through the home. Surprisingly, there wasn't a piece of furniture in the entire structure. Apparently no one had lived there for quite some time.
They moved inside quietly to check the source of the smell. Suddenly, one of the policemen felt something brush against his shoulder, when he pointed his torch up, he saw something that scarred his mind. An upside-down human with a twisted face was eying the police. The corpse's neck has been ripped wide open.
The policeman freaked out and called out to the others as he scanned the rest of the house with his torch. The house was full of such corpses, like a butcher's shop.

(Judy George, Age 24 )

Every single body's flesh was a drawing canvas, the writing on top of it was the process of killing the victims

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Every single body's flesh was a drawing canvas, the writing on top of it was the process of killing the victims. One of the body's jaws had gotten ripped away brutally. All the "paint" on the canvas was brown, this was proven later to be the victim's' blood after analysis, turning brown because of the oxidation.
There was a total of 5 bodies in this house, including Judy and Maggie. The other three were the ones who gave witness about the murder case involving Helen to the policemen a few years ago.
This home seemed to be more like a gruesome art gallery of victims than a butcher's. All of the bodies and canvases were facing the entrance, as if they were greeting the ones who enter this place. The police couldn't figure out the intention of the murderer other than him making a cruel joke.
I fell into despair I'd never felt before, I really hope that he was not the one who did all this. After the news was published, neither can I eat nor sleep normally. My health was sliding downhill, my sanity escaping. Can anything can be WORSE than this? I really want to go back in time and punch myself.

(Newspaper of 18th November 2003

(Newspaper of 18th November 2003

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Next day after the news was released, I received a call from the police and they asked me about the murderer. They received Helen Otis' patient file from me. I told them everything I knew about him. The police took note that I was not well. I told them that I was terribly shaken by the Discovery of Helen Otis. I told them that Helen is really a good person. He was just walking down the wrong path, I THOUGHT I had stopped him from going astray.
The police found a letter at the crime scene. They asked me to stay calm. The letter was written for me. I asked to receive the copy of the letter from the police. They complied, and then they left.
I stared at the letter, thinking of whether to read it or not. I was on the verge of a breakdown, but I felt something in the letter could salvage me.
As I sat back in my couch, I don't know how long I was I staring at the letter in my hands. Then I slowly opened it and began to read...

"Dear doctor, I finally remember what happened that night after I looked at my mask. That night 7 years ago, the day before Halloween, I kept fidgeting on my bed, unable to sleep. All of the things that happened to me stung my mind like needles, that time I thought to myself, I had to do something about it! Then it happened... I threw a turned on hair dryer into the public bathtub, there were lot of people present. I remembered I used a simple fork to dig someone's eyes out, I remembered I ripped someone's head from his neck, I attacked everyone who lived in the student dorm... I can't fully remember all the details, I just did what my mind told me to. When no one was screaming or struggling anymore, peace fell upon me, a peaceful feeling I never felt before. I fell to my well-deserved slumber, on a pile of bloody bodies.
When I opened my eyes again, I saw you, doc.
You said that the reason I am here was because I am sick. Well, I must pretty ill for now but I never felt so peaceful in my life. Maybe, I am better off to be sick like this.
You told me that next time we meet is on the electric chair. What if it was the other way round? You must know that I have got my own way to meet you in person. See you soon. : ) "

When I finished his letter, my mind went completely blank.
What the hell was he trying to say?
His last words sent a chill down my spine, I felt like a prey to him, I became one of his targets to hunt down.
Wait, no.
Maybe when he was still in the hospital, I was already a prey to him, maybe he longed for this day to come. God knows what was going on in his head. He never showed his emotion, even though I am his doctor. I could never truly understand what kind of a person he was. I even thought of him as a friend. Hell, I even said he was my own child! Everything we went through was just a lie? Why am I so fucking dumb that I forgot the rules of the hospital? They won't send any sane person into that fucking place!
The police won't be on patrol at this time. My life is like an unstable time bomb, until the day he gets arrested, I will never know what he will do, my chance of getting killed by him will stay the same.

I don't know when the worst scenario will happen to me, so I wrote it down, at least I won't die without letting others know what happened, that's what I think.
I live alone and it's bad. I began to be paranoid about my environment, even little things made me jump.
Before any of this happened, he used to be the most harmless patient I ever met with but now, he can kill me any second he wanted to, i'm like helpless prey.
This is what I get from ignoring the fact that he is a criminal, and tried to save him myself. This is not a lost teen who walked the wrong path in his life, this is actually a real life criminal! And here I am, staring at what he is really capable of.
Maybe his stable behaviour was all nothing but an act. The moment that I felt happy for his "recovery" was only for me. I don't know how to face him anymore, I don't know what was going to happen next.
I truly hope everything will be okay soon.
I just heard my house's door open.

(This article was written in Dr. Elmer Christopher's notebook in the drawer, there were some old newspaper articles attached with it. He already moved out of this house when the new house owner had found this and posted it online.)

Next day after the news was released, I received a call from the police and they asked me about the murderer. They received Helen Otis' patient file from me. I told them everything I knew about him. The police took note that I was not well. I told them that I was terribly shaken by the Discovery of Helen Otis. I told them that Helen is really a good person. He was just walking down the wrong path, I THOUGHT I had stopped him from going astray.
The police found a letter at the crime scene. They asked me to stay calm. The letter was written for me. I asked to receive the copy of the letter from the police. They complied, and then they left.
I stared at the letter, thinking of whether to read it or not. I was on the verge of a breakdown, but I felt something in the letter could salvage me.
As I sat back in my couch, I don't know how long I was I staring at the letter in my hands. Then I slowly opened it and began to read...

"Dear doctor, I finally remember what happened that night after I looked at my mask. That night 7 years ago, the day before Halloween, I kept fidgeting on my bed, unable to sleep. All of the things that happened to me stung my mind like needles, that time I thought to myself, I had to do something about it! Then it happened... I threw a turned on hair dryer into the public bathtub, there were lot of people present. I remembered I used a simple fork to dig someone's eyes out, I remembered I ripped someone's head from his neck, I attacked everyone who lived in the student dorm... I can't fully remember all the details, I just did what my mind told me to. When no one was screaming or struggling anymore, peace fell upon me, a peaceful feeling I never felt before. I fell to my well-deserved slumber, on a pile of bloody bodies.
When I opened my eyes again, I saw you, doc.
You said that the reason I am here was because I am sick. Well, I must pretty ill for now but I never felt so peaceful in my life. Maybe, I am better off to be sick like this.
You told me that next time we meet is on the electric chair. What if it was the other way round? You must know that I have got my own way to meet you in person. See you soon. : ) "

When I finished his letter, my mind went completely blank.
What the hell was he trying to say?
His last words sent a chill down my spine, I felt like a prey to him, I became one of his targets to hunt down.
Wait, no.
Maybe when he was still in the hospital, I was already a prey to him, maybe he longed for this day to come. God knows what was going on in his head. He never showed his emotion, even though I am his doctor. I could never truly understand what kind of a person he was. I even thought of him as a friend. Hell, I even said he was my own child! Everything we went through was just a lie? Why am I so fucking dumb that I forgot the rules of the hospital? They won't send any sane person into that fucking place!
The police won't be on patrol at this time. My life is like an unstable time bomb, until the day he gets arrested, I will never know what he will do, my chance of getting killed by him will stay the same.

I don't know when the worst scenario will happen to me, so I wrote it down, at least I won't die without letting others know what happened, that's what I think.
I live alone and it's bad. I began to be paranoid about my environment, even little things made me jump.
Before any of this happened, he used to be the most harmless patient I ever met with but now, he can kill me any second he wanted to, i'm like helpless prey.
This is what I get from ignoring the fact that he is a criminal, and tried to save him myself. This is not a lost teen who walked the wrong path in his life, this is actually a real life criminal! And here I am, staring at what he is really capable of.
Maybe his stable behaviour was all nothing but an act. The moment that I felt happy for his "recovery" was only for me. I don't know how to face him anymore, I don't know what was going to happen next.
I truly hope everything will be okay soon.
I just heard my house's door open.

(This article was written in Dr. Elmer Christopher's notebook in the drawer, there were some old newspaper articles attached with it. He already moved out of this house when the new house owner had found this and posted it online.)


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