The Doll Maker Part 3 - End

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I ran as fast as my feet could carry me. Puffs of my breath were visible in the cold of the winter night. I was late, late again. I would miss the bus if I didn't hurry. I clutched the shopping bags tight in my hands. I had decided to do a little last minute Christmas shopping. And when I say last minute, I really mean last minute. It was the night before Christmas Eve and I was not prepared for Christmas. None of my family was...

I panted as I reached he bus stop. It was lightly snowing but I was still sweating under my winter coat. With a slight sigh of relief I slumped onto the bench, setting my bags of gifts beside myself. I looked down at my cold hands and rubbed them together. It was late but I could still hear the faint sound of the Nutcracker playing in the distance.

I felt a knot form in my stomach as my lips turned to a frown. I wasn't looking forward to Christmas. No, not this year. It would be the first Christmas without my little sister Amy. No, she wasn't dead, or at least we hoped not. She had gone missing only a couple weeks ago. She was supposed to be on her way home from a friend's house one evening, but she never made it home. She is only 14. My parents had filed a missing persons report but it already seemed like they were giving up. I prayed every night hoping she would return home, but my prayers go unanswered. Mom is in denial, and Dad won't talk about it. Everyone thinks she is dead. I don't want to believe that, maybe I am in denial too.

I missed her sweet laugh, her bouncing red curls, her cute freckles I used to tease her about. I missed her calling for her big sister when she wanted someone to play games with her or help her with her homework...

I let out a sigh, trying to push the thoughts from my mind. I didn't want to start crying and have the bus come and have me looking like a wreck. Surly I could hold it in until I got home...

I hadn't missed it right? I was worried. Where was the bus? I glanced around, there was no one else at the bus stop but I couldn't have missed the last bus for the night. It was snowing, but definitely not bad enough to cause the bus garage to stop the buses.

There was no one at the stop with me. But when I glanced over I noticed something sitting on the other end of the bench. I tilted my head slightly in curiosity. There was a little ball jointed doll siting there. She had long straight black hair with skin as pale as the moon and bright green eyes. Her dress was made up of red and green ruffles and lace. White fur was on the collar of the dress as well as on the cuffs.

She was beautiful and certainly matched the holiday season. But what was she doing there? Had someone forgotten her? I reached over, gently picking the doll up into my cold hands. I examined the doll more closely, brushing the little bit of snow off that had accumulated on her. The details were exquisite. I noticed some beading on the dress and her face was painted so well. Her lips looked so delicate and her little hands, so dainty.

I would be lying if I said I didn't want to keep her. She was so pretty. I knew though that I should at least try to find the owner. Maybe I could put up flyers or bring her to the bus garage. I was so distracted by the well-crafted doll that I was completely unaware that someone had come up to me.

I jumped slightly as suddenly I noticed a tall figure looming over me. I looked up quickly, heart beating fast.

"You like her?" the figure's calm smooth voice asked me.
I looked to him. It was hard to make out his face due to the fact his back was facing the light of the street lamp and it was quite dark out. It also did not help that he had long messy hair, much of it falling in his face. He was an intimidating figure but his voice seemed to make my fright melt away.

"O-oh uh yes. She is beautiful, is she yours?" I asked, looking up at the tall man. He had to be a little over six feet tall.

"Yes of course, I made her; it is my job after all." The man told me, a soft smile forming on his lips.

I blinked in surprise. "You made her? Really? That's amazing" I said in disbelief and admiration. I looked back down at the gorgeous doll that rested in my hands then back to the man. "So you are a doll maker then?" I asked him.

His smile grew a bit. "Oh yes, I am a doll maker, the best. I am always adding new dolls to my collection." He informed me.

I smiled to him. "Wow, that's really cool." I told him and then held out the doll to him. "I guess you forgot her here?"

"I never forget my dolls. She was here waiting for someone, waiting for a lovely lady like you." He told me, seeming to get closer.

I blinked, confused and suddenly feeling uneasy. What did he mean? It made me uncomfortable. I slowly pulled my hand back, still holding the doll.

"O-oh, why is that?" I asked nervously and as I set the doll aside on the bench. I planned to make a run for it, to get away from this guy. Didn't mother always say not to talk to strangers? I started to stand.

"Because, I need to add to my collection." He said simply, tilting his head to the side. As he did some of his hair fell out of the way of his face.

I shrieked in terror upon laying my eyes on his. His face! The right corner of his mouth was upturned into a small permanent smile due to X shaped stitche. There were scars, but his Eye! His right eye did not even look real! It looked like glass with a pinkish red color iris. The color almost seemed to have a luminescent glow in the moon light. How had that happened to him? Had he done it to himself? I was not sure but I did not want to stick around to find out.

I quickly turned to run away from him but before I could even get two feet he had his long arms tightly wrapped around me. I struggled.

"Let go of me!" I hollered, trying to break free from his hold on me.

"No, no, no running away my doll. Do not fret, I will make you beautiful." He told me and placed a cloth tightly over my mouth and nose.

I tried to claw his hand away, to get the cloth away. All I could smell was a chemical of some sort. My mind and vision got blurry as my body grew weak. Soon everything went black.
I started to stir, my body felt weak. I wish I could say I dreamed of sugar plums after having such a nightmare but as my eyes began to open I knew the nightmare was not over.
I was sitting in a chair, my hands were resting in my lap and I noticed I was no longer wearing my jeans and huge winter jacket. I was wearing some kind of dress, one with ruffles and lace. One like a doll might wear...

I could feel my heart jump up into my throat. I was panicked. I quickly looked up from my lap, trying to see where I was. It was dark, hard to see. It must still be night I thought, if that man was still around.

He was.

He was standing only a few feet away, at a table. He had a vile and a syringe, filling it with something. Was that for me? What would it do? Kill me? Make me unconscious again?
Before I could even process all the horrific thoughts running through my mind I saw him look to me.

"Hmm you're awake earlier than I expected. Don't worry, once paralyzed you won't have to worry about moving too much." He said and approached me, syringe still in hand.

My eyes widened in terror. My body felt weak and now my hands were trembling in fear. I couldn't just let myself sit there and let this happen! It took a great effort to fight against the fear that held me back. I managed to get up and quickly knocked the chair in his path as I ran past him.

I had no idea where I was or where I thought I was running off to, but at long as I got away from him. God let me get away! I heard a cracking sound under my feet. I glanced down at the floor. Faintly lit in moon light I could see small parts of ball jointed dolls, arms and limbs. A life sized doll head was right by my feet, it did not even have eyes or hair yet.

My eyes quickly darted around at my surroundings, looking for a means of escape. All I could see was what seemed like a trashed apartment, something that looked abandoned. The only furniture was the chair I had sat in, a tattered sofa and several tables. The tables only had on display beautiful ball jointed dolls, each different, each beautiful. I had no time however to admire their beauty. I could hear his footsteps coming up behind me.

I got my body to move again, running over to a door. I gripped the handle, trying to turn it. The knob was broken, only twisting over and over each time I tried to turn it. It was like torture as my heart pounded harder in my chest, my knees wanting to fail me. My shaking hands were now accompanied by sweaty palms, my hand slipped off the knob. I let out a whimper. I felt like he should have caught me by now. Was I being toyed with? Played with?

My only chance was to get through this door. I braced myself and took a small step back and then with all my force, slammed my shoulder into it. There was a crack and clicking sound as the door was forced open.

I quickly stepped inside, a smiled having formed on my face from the success, with the thoughts of escape.

It quickly vanished.

My eyes widened as I starred at what sat before me. A doll, no, a corpse was sitting there in a wooden chair with her tiny hands folded onto her lap. She was dressed up, much like I was, in a ruffled gown with ribbon and lace. She had little jingle bells as a necklace and a little bonnet, dressed all in red and green.

Her freckles were gone as her skin had gone pale, and she no longer had her bouncing red curls but white ones. Her now glassy gold eyes starred at me with her painted lips were stitched in a small smile. Even with all of these modifications, the mutilations. Tears streamed down my cheeks, I knew...

"A-Amy!" I cried.

Big slender fingered hands rested themselves upon my shoulders from behind and there was his voice...

"Let me make you beautiful."

CREDIT : Chisai-Yokai

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