The scheme

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Your eyes slowly opened seeing, Vinnie close to your face. You jolt back as she drags you out of the tent. "Good morning little shit! Ive been waiting for ya to wake up." She says. The sun looked like it was still risings what time was it? You rubbed your eye tiredly as you sat around the little fire. Stone was smoking his usual cigarette, Skipp playing his air madline and Vinnie grabbing a stick. As she sits down by she elbows you to scoot over close to stone. Causing you to bump his shoulder and mumble a 'sorry'. Vinnie draws a terrible map of the town square market play. "all right guys, in the middle of the night a amazing scheme hit me but better."

Stone sighed and opened his bottle. "Vinnie are you talking about the damn Carriage thing?" you try following the conversation even though you had no idea what they were talking about. "pshh, no- well, yes. bUT! This will be better! Cause we have y/n." You look at her in confusion. Vinnie explains the scheme and the whole plan, as you nod a bit exited. "so, how is this different again...?" stone asks, already bored and still tired. "cause y/n!"

"We will use their awesome acting skills!" You've actually never acted in you're life, but didn't wanna risk telling them that. Once all the towns people came to town, it was time to take action on the scheme.
You, Skipp and Vinnie hid behind the crowd, staring at the passed out stone."Im telling you! he ran into my carriage!" a man in a small top hat says. Gesturing to stone. A lady in a blue dress responds to him "you're going to have to report it either way" she says crossing her arms. "what'll the police care? Its just another street kid.." As the words came out of his mouth a gather of responses came from the crowd in anger. The man in the top hat sweater and screams back at them "QUIET!" He turns back to stone.

"You know what? He's fine. He's probably fine" As he picks up stone, stones body is complete limp, they really have done this before. The towns man shakes stone violently "YOU'RE OK RIGHT?!" he yells at him. Theirs a moment of silence until the man turns back around with stone. "he says he's great!" Just for stones body to fall to the ground with a splat into the puddle. "HEY!!" Vinnie screams at the crowd. The man puts his hands up in fear of getting arrested. "what's going on???" Vinnie says pushing through the crown with me and Skipp. "Oh no! Stone!" Skipp says. I look at his body worriedly. "He's hurt!" Skipp says putting his hands on his cheeks. "what did you do to him??" Vinnie says eagerly to the man.

I run over to stone with Skipp. You could hear the man trying to explain to Vinnie, spacing out you almost forgot this was all an act, so you got in the zone as well. "and now you're trying to drown him!" Vinnie says. Causing you to turn your head to Skipp, only to see him picking up stone my the hair. You rest his head on your knees, as Skipp says to Vinnie "we need a doctor!" Vinnie puts her hands up "We cant afford a doctor Skipp." You put your head on stones chest pretending to get emotional. "I don't wanna see stone die.." You turn to Vinnie tears in your eyes. The crowd looks sad and empathetic for you, maybe you weren't as bad as acting as you thought. Vinnie turns her head swiftly back to the man. "what are you gonna do about this?" she says raising an eyebrow and crossing her arms.


sorry I haven't posted a little bit! but I hope you guys liked this chapter. Since the rest of the cmic isn't out ill most likely be posting in the one shot book more! also follow the ramshackle discord! (im on there) Heres my discord! s0dap0p5#4868

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