Go eat a potato

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As the towns people whispered to each other, laughing and snickering. Vinnie could hear a faint 'oh my gosh I can't believe he went there.' Vinnie's face looked flushed and embarrassed as she whipper her head forward back to stone. "Pft! Well-I uh," she started looking off to the side with clenched fists. "Why don't you take your dumb blue hair and go eat a potato?" Stone, me and Skipp stared at her.
Until stone broke the silence again, looking unimpressed. "Nice. Why don't you go find your parents?" Vinnie made a upset face as the crows stood there and snickered. Out of the blue, a citizen yells 'Fight!'. Stone looks over, as Skipp points to any direction but this one, "Uhh.. shouldn't we be running..?"

Suddenly, a cheer comes from the crowd. 'fight Fight FIGHT!" The towns people's expressions desperate for some more bloodshed or violence. Vinnie and Stone look at each other, angry faces and ready for a intense battle. Only for Vinnie to slump down with the comment "Naw.. I'm a pacifist." And stone rubbing his neck and saying "Yeah. And I would never hit you ever." You slight tug on Stones hand, causing him turn to you, his face slightly surprised and his cheeks having a faint warm color. "Let's gooooo" Skipp whispers and you nodding

Thank you for reading! Remember, if you have any suggestions for my one shot book just dm me! See you in the next story.

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