Coming around

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You smiled as you ran with Vinnie and Skipp. The bridge gave a tapping sound each time you're feet hit the pavement, there in the distance you saw stone sitting there, cigarette in hand and grey hair flowing, you smiled. He was attractive yes, but you still didn't know much about him. You plopped next to him, as vinnie rested on you and skipp rested on the other side of stone. He looked at you, and you smiled. His head once again whipped back forward, you awkwardly shuffled closer as Vinnie began to snore. He hands a cigarette to you and you take it, not that you were much of an smoker, and you didn't have an addiction, but maybe this was an opportunity to get to know him better. you take the cigarette and he lights it for you. "so..uhm where are you from..?" stone asks In a sort of mumble voice. "I don't really remember, I left home and just went from there.." he looks at you this time while speaking, his voice much clearer then before. "so you've seen a lot of other towns..? are they messed up as this one?" you smile at his sort of humor, the look at your feet hanging over the bridge. "no, not much.. here its, chaotic and yet calm. I feel actually comfortable." you felt his stare and out of the corner of your eye. "well uhm" he cleared his throat. "you can stay with us.. I mean if you'd like." He scratched the back of his neck. You smiled "yeah maybe I will.." a tired and slow voice came from skips "yeah, we have room in the tent too for ya." Vinnie then stretches her arm and sits up rubbing her eye. "all right guys I think it's time to hit the hay, the sun is already setting and I so freakin tired." You all walked back to they're usual hang outshot, a medium tent tied up in the alleyway, varies clothes and one lantern hung from the awkwardly sat there as you watched the trio get comfy. You just met them and didn't wanted it to get weird. "dude, what're ya doin? get over here!" Vinnie pats the space next to her, between stone and her you sat down and played back with them slowly closing her eyes, the warmness of the bed made you happy, safe and most of all loved. You were gonna like it here. And youre glad you met them..


WTF this is short sorry homies! but I think I got more ideas for the upcoming chapters enjoy yyyyy lololololololol

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