Dirty streets

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You landed in the dirt, landing on youre face. Possibly the most ungrateful fall but then again skipps head was in the dirt with his body sticking up. You hear Vinnie gasp "OH MY GOD ARE YOU OK?!" She slides on her knees only to get the bag of money next to you. She picks it up and pets it "shhhshh its ok" Vinnie says to the bag. Youre body gets lifted up by stone, slightly glaring at you. "What was Youre name again?" He said his accent slightly showing. "Uh y/n"  you said once again. "SHIT WE HAVENT SAID OUR NAMES!" Vinnie says causing you to flinch. "Im Vinnie, thats Skipp and Stone! Good to have you a board" Vinnie says shooting finger guns. "Wait a board?" You say catching up to Vinnie who was simply walking through the ally ways. "Yeah! Might need to see you're pick pocketing skills doe" she says looking me up and down. You look at her in confusion while messing with the end of you're clothing.

As you all walk into the market area, the towns people walked around with glee, you almost felt bad stealing from such happy people, but then again, its they're loss for being so vulnerable. Vinnie then points to a tall man with a top hat and douche mustache. "Ok get me that wallet" Vinnie says slightly pushing you towards him. You gulp and walk over to the man. As he looked at the apples you stood next to him, pretending to look at the apples. As the man walks away you swiftly take the wallet out of his back pocket and walk back to Vinnie. You hand the wallet to her, she takes it and snoops through the whole thing.

A sudden and sharp embrace surprises you as you look down. "Woah man was that impressive! One time stone tried to pick pocket but then got elbowed in the eye! But wowie you're great!" Skipp said as he hugged you, you cringed at the pain of you're lungs being crushed. Skipp let go by stone dragging him away, suddenly all the air came back to you as you wheezed. You looked at stone, who was actually quite tall you then smiled at him. His eyes widened as he pulled his turtle neck over his nose and walked away with a warm face. "Aww He's shy" Vinnie says, then looking at you're confused expression. Maybe you've done something wrong?? Vinnie rests her arm on youre shoulder "that means he likes you" she says wiggling her eyebrows and smirking. She suddenly lets go and runs after Stone. "Wait up Stone!" As skipp and you run after them together.

Sorry it was shorter this time! More stone stuff next chapter 😏😏✨

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