An Amazing Scam (Not really)

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There was a small silence.
At this point you literally couldn't tell what was a part of the plan or not. Those were real bruises, and real money. That is, until Vinnie popped back up. "Welp!" She said with a smile on her face. "Guess its a draw huh? Truce?" Vinnie asked, Stone was up and sitting right, a small smile on his face. "Mhm." Huh, guess that was that. From the looks of it, those two probably had pointless fights all the time. "But..our money.." a folks man said. A frown on his face. Wait, you think you were starting to get it now. Remembering what this was all leading up to. Gently you pushed through a few people. Gasping dramatically. "Whaat?! None of you bet on it being a draw?" You asked, everyone seemed to frown. Skipp cleared his throat, rather loudly. "I did!" He said.

It took everything in your power not to let out a smug laugh. "WHAAAT?! Skipp bet on it being a draw?!?" Vinnie said, dramatically putting her hands on her cheeks. Mouth wide open. Gently Stone stood up, wearing that same bored expression. "Wow..crazy. Is that even allowed?" You and Skipp rushed over to the bet money, dumping the vase full of money into a bag. "No idea! Buuut were gonna take everyones money now!" Skipp said, as you all ran away, you threw the bag to skipp. A huge smile on your face. You let out a excited laugh, Stone taking another swig, Vinnie complimenting someones shirt, and Skipp saying a final goodbye.

"Thank you all for coming!" And just like that, you 4 were out of there. Running fast, and seeing a wagon in the distance. "Jeez y/n! You played the part perfectly!" Vinnie said, punching your arm. Almost causing you to stumble. "Yeah! They actually fell for it!" You nodded, looking to Stone. "Howd you plan all that?" Stone's attention turned to you. But for some reason he couldn't keep eye contact. "Yeah!" Skipp asked as well, jumping onto the back of the wagon. Then Vinnie and then you. Reaching out a hand to Stone. "Well.." he started, taking your hand and sitting next to you. You listened intently, jesus did you love his voice. "I noticed that the coachman went home at precisely the same time everyday.

And knowing the townsfolk obsession with entertainment, i devised a scheme-" you were listening. You swore you were. But his hair in the soft wind, and the way he sort of talked with his hands, loose grip on the bottle and all. Okay, maybe he was kinda fine.. but still, you barely knew these people. Right? "And uh.." he said, for a moment you both stopped talking. Just staring at each other. Stone swallowed a little harshly, until this weird little moment was interrupted by Vinnie, of course. "HOWD MUCH WE GET?!?" she yelled. Causing you both to flinch, and Stone to scoff. "I don't think they're listening." You said with a small laugh. Letting your leg hang off the edge with a small sway. "Three dollars and fifty cents!" Your eye's widened. Looking at Stone.

He shrugged, "Even towns people are broke as fuck." Jesus, they both got beat up and almost died for almost nothing. But none the less, Vinnie seemed satisfied, so you were too. "WE'RE EATIN TONIGHT GUYS!!" She declared. "Oh yeah, and y/n? Never kiss me again." He said to you. You let out a small snicker, "How else were we supposed to sell it?" Deciding not to take his request to seriously, you knew that's probably just how he was. Cold, dark...emo? No. Well- maybe. "I saw you blush!" Skipp pointed out.

Stone's head whipped over to the other boy, practically pouncing on him and choking him. Skipp let out a laugh, obviously not being seriously hurt. "Y/n. You can stick with us for awhile. You're pretty cool." Vinnie said, you only smiled. Looking at the view of all those ragged town buildings, and the sky turning orange as the sun set. A relaxing background sound of Skipp being choked, this seriously felt like home.

I LIVED BITCHES HOW ARE YOU ALL DOIN LITTLE HOBBO FUCKS thank you so much for stickin with me, i think from here ill take the story into my own hands if thats cool with you? If i do my own storyline, then I'll probably a lot more. But if i continue to follow the storyline, then of course posts will come out with Zeddyzi's. Up to you! Im so glad your all still enjoying this story <33

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 21, 2022 ⏰

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