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9:56 pm
Reader Pov

"Damn it Silva for pity's sake let me go home I can't even feel my legs anymore." I tried to take his big arm off of my waist but it's just too heavy with added weight that's on purpose.

"It's still early..." the nerve of him to just groan softly and nudge his face into my neck like a giant cat yet not as fluffy as that.

"It's not! I have to go home or else I'll end up getting bound to a curfew." And if Chrollo learns about my affiliation with the guy he despise, I might lose the freedom I enjoy for the rest of my life. I nervously drew air in and quietly exhaled to calm my panicking inner being.

"Since when did you come home in time baby girl?" Silva chuckled and started to suck the crook of my neck playfully. "You're too young to forget we've met in a bar at the middle of the night. Or are you planning to go see Hisoka even after all I did to satisfy your insatiable appetite for sęx?"

"Please don't act like I was the one who forced you to meet today just to release some pent-up sexual energy." I rolled my eyes at his indifference. "I am going home to rest because I have to attend a mass tomorrow." I can't believe this has to be said when we've already spent the whole day stuck with each other like a married couple.

Or even more intense than how they do it.

"Mass?" He suppressed a chuckle before nipping my collarbone but I heard it nonetheless. "Beware, you might catch a fire."

"Haha." I laughed dryly. "I'm not the one who sworn a sacred oath and kept breaking it for the sake of their horny as—mmph!"

Silva shut me up by a pressing his plump lips over mine at first, then began nipping my lower lip in a teasing manner. "You never told me you'd rather let your feet be growing roots at your boring home."

"Well—" I sighed in defeat. "Yeah I also needed to stretch my legs but it would've been better if you have brought me to a nice place like a real date." I said that just to counter his argument, but I somehow yearn for something like that for us.

"Hmm. I never thought you're the romantic type. Alright." He smiled and caressed my left cheek so gently, I couldn't help but stare at his sapphire-blue eyes that captivates me whenever I look directly at them. "Let's meet again next week. Same time, same place. I have a surprise for you."

Normally, I wouldn't find this particular gesture pleasant or sweet, especially from a man of this caliber. It just sends off a bad vibe and usually means he's starting to hold onto the dangerous string called commitment.

"I... can't promise anything for now." I quickly declined before my heart win over my head and screw everything up. It's bad enough that this relationship was a game of deception and my brother's alleged issue just made it worse.

Hisoka already got what he wanted the first day and I shouldn't have continued this behind his back. Now, I'm having a hard time taking Silva out of my head and it's affecting me in so many negative ways.

"I'll give you until tomorrow to decide." He smirked and planted a light peck on my lips before he scooped me up to join him into the bathroom. "Just a head's up. It'll be a real pity if you won't come."

"I'll think about it."

"Sure." He suddenly put me down under the shower. However, his hands clamped over my sides, just above my naked hips and lowered his head to whisper on my left ear. "Think about how important your other options are because you'll definitely regret it."


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I'm so sorry for the wait. In return for your patience, here's a Silva you've probably never seen before. Hope you'll like it and thank you for reading this book. XD

Brothers Conflict (AU)(SilvaxReaderxHisoka) (Mature18+)Where stories live. Discover now