377 17 9

8:07 pm
Chrollo Pov

"What the f..." I had to blink a few times to be certain that the image of my sister standing on the stage at farthest corner of the hotel's lounge was a product of my imagination.

Unfortunately, it was real. However, before I could confront her on so many issues, (Y/N) managed to run off and disappeared within the thick crowd. "Damn it." I cursed under my breath upon losing Silva Zoldyck from my sight due to the shock of hearing the news about my underaged sister was dating that pedophile gangster.

"Chrollo...?" As soon as I heard Kikyo's voice, I knew I had to let Silva go and deal with her before my plan continuously shatter right in front of my eyes. "W-what are you doing here?"

"I... um... a friend asked for my help in the kitchen. I wasn't aware this is your family's event. Forgive me I'll leave at once if you're not comfortable having me around." My black suits contradicted my lies but screw logic. I just need Silva to see me going intimate with her at this huge event, document it using the paparazzi I paid to cover the scene then leave immediately.

"You don't have to leave at all." She whispered and gestured her folding fan towards the backyard. "Everyone's busy with the new CEO anyway."

"I see." I smirked and let her walk alone. I texted the photographer to follow me in discretion by leaving from the main entrance then travel all the way to the back because it was easier than dealing with a couple of guards at the back door.

The slow music started to fill the air and it couldn't be more appropriate to the plan I have in mind. So if Silva wasn't around to witness his wife's infidelity, then I'll make sure the evidences will reach him in massive quantity.

"Chrollo babe I missed you so much even though it's just been a week." Kikyo instantly hugged me as soon as I arrived to the garden and pulled me behind a bonsai palm tree with fan-like leaves. A perfect spot to do sinful things. 

"I missed you too," I breathed under her ear and she giggled the moment I slipped my hand beneath the chest part of her purple, multiple-layered traditional gown.

"Not here you naughty boy..." she ruffled my brushed-up hair back to it's natural style. Hanging down on my cheeks.

"Why not? It's even more exciting to think we're surrounded by your family's bodyguards." I nipped her earlobe and she let out a soft moan. It's too bad that unless I kiss her deeply, my accomplice won't be able to get a high resolution photo of us making out in the dark.

I made sure that once she closes her eyes, my face should be hovering over her chest. That timing shall give my partner a good shot of her face while I get to hide my identity. However, something occurred unexpectedly.

The photographer who managed to get a good number of shots came flying over the flowerless bushes aligned next to our position and the young man groaned in pain.

"What the—" I wasn't prepared on what's coming and by turning my head around, I only gave the perpetrator a chance to go full force right at my jaw. Kikyo's scream brought my dizzy head back to the reality and saw another incoming punch from Silva that I somehow managed to dodge.

"I swear I'll crush that face until you can never recognize yourself on a mirror ever again!"

"Really. Then walk the talk, you murderer." My lips curved into a taunting smirk and it triggered something inside him. Kikyo tried to separate us, only to trip her foot due to her tight gown and Silva must've thought I intended for her to fall sideways.

"You rat!" He panted in extreme anger and his yelling have attracted the guards stationed at the back side, they began pouring out of the narrow door.

"Master Silva!" One of them grabbed him off of me but they couldn't stop his thick arm from swinging. His knuckles landed just under my left eye and my cheekbone slit open, making way for błood to spill down my cheek. "Please get ahold of your temper Master Silva. Master Zeno is on his way—"

"B-brother?" We both swung our heads to the owner of that voice and saw my sister's shocked expression along with the redhead.

"(Y/N) you stay away! I can handle this!"

"No!" (Y/N) rushed towards me, pushing his broad chest away. "Let go of him!"

"Heh. So the two of you are siblings." Silva scoffed and grabbed my collar whilst looking at her with a devilish grin on his lips. "How much did Hisoka pay you two to ruin my family?"

"Didn't take much really." The tall redhead interrupted from the growing crowd and gestured his fingers zipping his mouth when my sister glared at him.

"Master Silva, Master Zeno is on his way." The butler I recognized in the photos came to warn his boss. "I'll handle the reporters but you need to leave right now."

"We're not done yet." I got confused on Silva threatening my sister as if they knew each other prior on leaving without looking back.

"What was that about?" I asked her curiously.

"B-beats me."


Hello dear readers, I apologize for the slow updates I couldn't get my head moving lately to imagine scenarios. I hope you'll enjoy this chapter and thank you for your support.^^

Brothers Conflict (AU)(SilvaxReaderxHisoka) (Mature18+)Where stories live. Discover now