Chapter 16

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Ryuunosuke and I spent most of yesterday lounging around- as did just about everyone else- but today we planned on participating in the free ski lesson that Chuuya told us about.

We stopped by the buffet earlier in the morning- and it was absolutely delicious. 

Ready to conquer these skiing lessons, we dressed ourselves in our recently bought snow gear and headed down to the lobby.

There we were introduced to the instructor, Mr. Rimbaud. He somehow managed to look overdressed- ear muffs, scarf, tons of layers- you name it. 

Only a handful of people were here for the lessons- two of those people being Michizou and Jun. They seemed immersed in conversation, however, so I decided not to bother them and continued standing next to Ryuu.

Mr. Rimbaud checked his watch and started speaking.

"Now that it's 11, we will make our way up the mountain using the ski lift. Please follow me," He instructed, shivering slightly.

"Why do you think he's so cold?" I asked quietly to Ryuu.

"I have no clue, Jinko. Maybe he's from somewhere really warm or something."

"Hmm, makes sense."

Ryuu scoffed playfully and I stuck out my tongue.

Our small group quickly made our way to the ski lifts outside, and Mr. Rimbaud told us to partner up for the lifts- Ryuu and I obviously choosing to be partners. Mr. Rimbaud helped each group onto the lifts one by one, and soon we made our way up the mountain. 

"Damn, it's cold," I said through my chattering teeth, wrapping my arms around myself.

"Dumbass. I told you to layer."

"I did! I'm just- still cold."

Ryuu discreetly scooted closer to be with a huff and slightly pink cheeks, and I internally thanked the gods above for this moment.

The small amount of warmth Ryuu gave me was nice and welcomed, but soon we reached the top of the mountain and had to get off the lift. Once the whole group was off the lifts, Mr. Rimbaud started the lesson. I couldn't say that any of it made sense, but I go forward without falling- that's gotta mean something, right? 

Needless to say, Ryuu was much better than me- in fact, he was probably the best out of the group.

"Okay. Now that I've covered the basics, I'll leave you guys to it. If you need any individual help, just raise your hand. I'll make my way around, too."

A few people raised their hands, and Mr. Rimbaud started towards the first one he saw. I was about to raise my hand, when Ryuu's hand stopped it.

"No need to ask him for help. I can teach you, dumbass."

"O-oh yeah! I should've thought of that."

Ryuu rolled his eyes, but there was no real annoyance behind it.

From there on, Ryuu helped teach me the ropes. He was a surprisingly good teacher, and after a few tips, I actually felt I had the hang of it.

"Ready to try and ski down the mountain?" He asked.

"Yeah, why not."

We readied ourselves and Ryuu counted down. When he reached one, we both took off. Ryuu was already much faster than I was, but he seemed to be trying to go slowly for me, which I found extremely sweet.

"Hey, this isn't so ba-" I started, but soon found one of my skis getting caught on a dense pile of snow, and my entire body falling forward.

"Jinko!" is all I heard as I rolled a few meters forward before colliding face-first into the snow. Well that's just great. Of course I had to go and embarrass myself in front of Ryuu- not to mention everyone else skiing that probably just witnessed my fall.

I raised my head out of the snow and looked up to see Ryuu cupping a hand over his mouth- seemingly trying to stifle his laughter. I could feel my cheeks heat up from embarrassment and pouted.

"Hey! Don't laugh!"

"I'm sorry," He sputtered out between his laughter." It's just- it was so funny the way you fell."

Despite my attempts to keep pouting, I quickly found myself in a spurt of laughter as well. As we laughed, Ryuu offered me a hand and helped me up.

"Shall we continue?" He asked.

"Better finish what we started!"

We continued down the mountain, and I'm happy to say that I didn't fall this time. 

"That was so fun!" I cheered. 

Ryuu smiled a seemingly fond smile as I cheered.

"Want to go again?"


We approached the ski lift and went back up the mountain for round two. We skied down the mountain a few more times before Mr. Rimbaud announced that the lesson was over, and we were free to continue as long as we returned our skis to the front desk, and said he was heading back to the lodge with a shiver.

 Ryuu and I decided to call it an afternoon and get some lunch from a restaurant close by the ski lodge after taking off our ski gear and returning it. It was a cute little diner, and the warmth inside was welcomed.

A waitress quickly seated us at a table for two and Ryuu and I both decided to order some pancakes with some hot coffee. It was absolutely delicious, and we agreed to stop by again before we left.

We headed back to our room, and my exhaustion finally caught up with me. I took off my winter coat and shuffled out of my shoes and into my bed, sighing contently under the covers. Ryuu seemed to have the same idea, and quickly got into his own bed and turned on the tv. We watched Law and Order until it was time for dinner, where we grabbed dinner from the restaurant attached to the lodge. 

When we walked in, we immediately spotted Kyouka and Lucy sitting at a booth. They waved us over, and offered us seats next to them. I took the seat next to Lucy, and Ryuu took the one next to Kyouka. 

"Hey guys! We just got here so we can all order together," Kyouka informed. Ryuu and I nodded and we talked about how we spent our day.

A waiter shortly came to get our order, all of us getting some version of pasta. We continued chatting until our food arrived, and despite shoveling our mouths full of food, continued our conversation.

"So, how have you guys been enjoying the vacation so far?" Kyouka asked after swallowing a mouthful of food.

"It's been great! Today Ryuu and I went skiing and it was super fun."

"Don't leave out the part where you fell on your face."

I grimaced at Ryuu for bringing it up and sighed.  I retold my embarrassing fall and the two girls laughed along with a smiling Ryuu, while my pride died a little.

"You're so helpless Sushi!" Lucy laughed. 

I buried my head in my hands and groaned. Ryuu pretending to comfort me by patting me on the back.

"Wow, I feel so much better now."

"Don't thank me, Jinko."

We playfully eyed each other seeing who could hold eye contact the longest.

"They're so perfect for each other," Kyouka whispered to Lucy, but I overheard and instantly broke eye contact with Ryuu to glare daggers into her. She gave me a smirk, and Ryuu looked at us confused.

We eventually finished eating and walked back to our rooms together before saying our goodbyes and going into our respective rooms. 

"I'm so full!" I said as I patted my stomach.

"Full of bullshit, that is."


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