Chapter 27

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I woke up with a spring to my step, quickly getting ready for my first lecture of the day.

Ryuu didn't know any details about the date- I refused to tell him anything no matter how many times he asked - and the only thing I had told him was to dress casually (and warm, since it was still winter and we would be walking around some).

Listening to my own words, I quickly put on the outfit I had planned a few days earlier. I threw on a loose, wooly, white sweater that was extremely soft and warm (almost too warm to wear in the dorm room). I wrapped a red scarf around my neck and slid into a light pair of jeans which I was too excited to even properly slide into (It's a good thing Ryuu was still asleep or else he would've watched me struggle). The last thing I put on were some simple, brown boots (with extra fuzzy socks underneath).

Ten minutes later, I practically ran out of the door with a half-eaten banana.

In the hallway I nearly bumped into Chuuya, who was about to yell at me before noticing who I was.

He instead asked, "What's got you so ready for the day?"

I grinned at him brightly.

"I have a Valentine!" I practically squealed.

Chuuya processed this for a second before his eyes widened and he looked at me like I was crazy.

"No way. NO FUCKING WAY! YOU AND RYUUNOSUKE ARE EACH OTHER'S VALENTINES?" Chuuya quite literally screamed (I slightly winced at his volume, since we were right outside our rooms, and it could've very easily woken up Ryuu).

I was gonna question how he knew it was Ryuu, but I figured Jun wasn't the only one who knew we liked each other, so I instead just nodded my head furiously, grin still just as blinding as before.

"Holy fucking shit I never thought I'd see the day! Who asked?"

"I did."

Chuuya laughed.

"Should've known. Ryuunosuke would never work up the balls. But nice job, kid! It's about damn time you guys got together. You've been looking at each other with heart eyes for months now."

I blushed, and Chuuya patted me on the back before opening the door to his dorm.

"Good luck!" He said over his shoulder as he walked into his dorm.


And with that he shut the door behind him, and I continued on my way to class.

The class seemed to last an entire year, and when it finally ended, I was one of the first out the door. Like me, Ryuu sadly had a few classes today, and we both wouldn't be done until later (I'd probably be done around 2:30, and Ryuu around 3). 

I had a bit of free time until my next lecture, which I decided to just spend lazing around in my dorm (I knew Ryuu wouldn't be there either, and I didn't want to see him until right before our date).

One lecture later and I finally was done with classes for the day.

(When I got to my dorm I got a text from Ranpo wishing me good luck on our first date- which is funny, since the only people I told were Jun and Chuuya, but I guess nothing really gets past him).

As I expected, I just willed time to pass as I scrolled on my phone and looked at all the happy couples that already started their dates (such as Ichiyou and Gin, Chuuya and Osamu, and even Lucy and Kyouka were having what they called their 'Galentine's date').

Apparently I was spending more time than I thought on my phone because before I knew it the door opened, revealing Ryuu returning from class. I looked up from my phone and the first thing I noticed was that he wasn't wearing his usual black coat- instead opting for a dark grey turtleneck with a dark green bomber jacket, dark jeans, and black boots. To top it all off he was wearing a black beanie, his white-tipped bangs looking absolutely amazing because of it (not that they weren't amazing before, but you know what I mean).

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