Regained Valor

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?: Sir


?: Sir!



Y/N: Jawohl! Feldwebel L/N steht zudiensten!

KSK Op 1: See i told you that would wake him up

KSK Op 2: How should i have known that he would not respond to the common procedure?!

Y/N: Common Procedure? Rather tell me where we currently are soldier...

KSK Op 1: Ah you're finally awake!

Y/N: Why I just took a little nap that's a- wait how long was I gone for?

KSK Op  2: Long enough to get you close to Rainbow Main HQ why?

Y/N: Fucking Hell

KSK Op 1: Med team Base do you copy?

?: Evac team we are ready to receive the patient and hurry with him,some woman here cannot be restricted much longer

KSK Op 2: Your wife Feldwebel?

Y/N: We are not that far down the path yet Soldat...

KSK Op 1 : Still somebody is happy that you are back

Y/N: I think she will be rather furious...

The Ambulance takes only some turns after finally arriving at the front gate security guards arrived checking the Ambulance for inconveniences and letting a Dog search for further threats

Y/N: Who's a good boy? Yes you are!

While petting the dog and giving him a part of your love you remember the person who has conquered all of your love.

Y/N: Nienke I want to see you,i cannot wait until i can hold in my arms again...

The security guard closed the door of the Ambulance again so you could pass through the gate.The Ambulance arrives near the medical bay to hand you over to Doc and other Medical Personal.

Y/N: Gustave good to see you again my friend

Doc: And it's absolutely thrilling to see you rather not up but alive!

Y/N: Oh yes and it feels good to be alive

Iana: Y/N...

Y/N: Beloved?

Iana begins to tear up and runs towards you to give you an unlimited amount of love kisses and hugs only to be stopped by medical staff who tell her that you are not able to have such contact  in your state.Even though you are trained to stay calm and never loose control over Emotions as a psychologist but seing your beloved being denied your love caused an undefined type of rage which made the medical staff immediately react.

Doc: Y/N please calm, you have to understand the situation in which you currently find yourself in.You have to understand...

Being held back from you made Iana cry more and more to the point you had more than enough adrenaline in your body to wanting to break through the iron curtain which has been put between you and your beloved

Med Staff: Get the sedation we will put him to sleep before he looses more blood!

A med Staff starts preparing a needle and tries to inject it into you put you stop his hand and begin turning it in an attempt to break it,but before you can proceed with fighting back Doc aims his stim pistol at you and shoots you with it. Vision starts to blurr from that point on and last thing you see is Iana fighting the Security Guards.

You slowly began to awake and look through the room spotting a familiar person sitting across the bed with arms crossed and an angrily look on the face.You quickly identify the person as Gustave and slowly try to pick up an conversation in you psychiatric tone.

Y/N: Gustave...

Doc: Remember when you told me not to loose control over me when we got Caveira out of Captivity?

Y/N: Now you know why i told you that...

Doc: Nearly breaking the arm of an medical assistant and let's not talk about the havoc Iana coused...

Y/N: Yeah that would be a little uncomfortable to talk about.

Doc: Good further i need you to inform you about two more things:Iana will visit in a couple of minutes from now on so be prepared and stay calm a bit now and the same goes for her.Second thing

He begins to stand up straight and salute:
Feldwebel L/N as i here standing infront of you have after your critical mission and your Major Risk of your life suggested to your superiors the only reward worth of such bravery and last stand to help your  fellow operatives escape save death the highest honor the German Military can give an soldier:the Ehrenkreuz der Bundeswehr für Tapferkeit

Even though he used his deep and strong French accent to say these German words you understood what he said and your eyes lit up for a second and you became exited just like you always where when it was Christmas
and you where still a little boy.

Y/N:  I-I am completely in shock.

Doc: I am serious Y/N you are more than worthy of the medal and deserve it.

Y/N: A-And did my Superiors agree to send it further to the minister of defence?

Doc: They have already agreed to the terms and send the report.

That moment the door to your room opened and a white haired woman enters the room
Hello Readers of my story! Even though i did not announce this chapter on my YT i still posted this chapter and honestly i think this is one if not the best i have wrote up until now and i am damn proud of myself! Stay safe out there

Lights Out


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