Breaking Point

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Y/N: The Human mind is something we psychologists wish to understand. Still there are things unknown to us which results in cases that put us across a wall. Breaking that wall and neutralising the very things our patients suffer from or atleast easing the pain they have to go through is all what a psychologist strife for. But do not loose yourself in your cases. Keep a certain emotional distance from your cases. It is kind of ironic... We are so obsessed with the mind of others but we often forget that we are human ourselves. Sometimes we get roped up in a case and get emotionally connected to it. That's why creating a sort of wall between you and your patients and their problems is so important... and even much more if your patient is too far down the road. Your Patients might be so unstable that your help is in vain. I once had a patient I treated who lost his wife and child in an terrible accident. He was a Man who wanted nothing else but to kill himself to be reunited with his lost ones. He was so desperate to the point that with the smallest things he tried to kill himself. He came restrained to me to not possibly take his life. His treatment started 12 years ago under a few different Psychologists being passed to me for treatment. When we had our sessions he was bound to the couch and had been restrained from any movement. To be honest he annoyed my usually calm demeanour as he was not impossible to be reasond with. Expectable especially with cases like this and my professor probably wanted to test my patience. Anyways I got him to talk about his good times with his family. The more he talked about them the more I was able to shift him from actively trying to free himself from his shackles and stab himself with one of my pens but to think of times when he was happy. Well to get to the point of the little story he got better over time. A few months later I got the Message of his death through suicide. I sincerely thought I changed him. I was proven wrong. But was it wrong to help him? No,my efforts to me never were in vain, even as they seem to be. His death plunged me into a hole full of doubt out of which there seemed no escape. This doubt of having possibly killed your patient can really take you over easily. So do not be afraid to seek up a psychologist yourself.

?: Sir did you ever make it out the hole you said you found yourself in?

Y/N: My opinion as a Professional: Patient still unstable

You find yourself subjected to uncontrollable laughter in the middle of the night. It seems like a Breaking Point has been reached. And the Psychologist is becoming more desperate in the fight against the Patient. You wake up cold sweated and 6 in the morning to another day at Hereford Base.

In Y/N mind

Patient: How long do you wish to fight psychologist?

Psychologist: For as long as you wish. Our session has only started and I have brought lots of patience

After washing and brushing your teeth you put on your clothes and moved to your office.You enter your Office and close the door behind you. You move onto the shelf full with books and folders. You pick  an unused patient folder and put it on your desk

Patient: You think you can be treated?!
Psychologist: Please would you wait until i have made a folder for you, I mean I need to collect all the things I have on you so I can treat you properly alright?

Patient: Its only a matter of time until I get the upper hand Psychologist...

Psychologist/ Y/N: Until then I have the reigns of the Psyche...

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