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I am back people,after wasting another 100 hours in hoi4 kaiserreich and beating the shit out of the French here is another chapter so enjoy!

You finally arived infront of the R&D and rang the bell infront of the door.A Security Officer opened the door.

SO: Are you Psyche?

Y/N: Yes i am

SO: Good,your appointment with Operator Rook.Go down the hallway and turn right.Go through the Heavy Door.But first put on this Helmet and this googles.Anything can happen beyond this doors.

Y/N: Is it really that dangerous?

SO: I've seen everything in here.From Caliber 300. Winchester Magnum Pircing through 3 Walls and injuring an unthoughless Guard behind it.Then there's somebody experimenting with Gas and someone is now running through fucking Walls.

Y/N: Well shit

SO: But still the payment is good...

Y/N: Good Point,i have to go now was nice talking with you

SO: Yes Goodbye

You put on the helmet and the googles and enter the hallway.You walk down the hallway and go through the door then turn right.I took you some strengh to open the heavy door Bit you managed to open it.You are greeted by Julien and a French Woman wearing a Balaclava shooting at your Suit with a 417 Marksmanrifle

Y/N: Ah Julien how are you

Rook: Hello mon amis i can see you have partially recovered from your incedent

Y/N: Yes my Suit rescued my-about my suit Gustave told me you made some improvements to it ?

Rook: Indeed it was a lot of fun working on it but it still needs one final test

Y/N: Good but first your friend over there needs to stop shooting at it...

Rook: Indeed

You put a hand on the womans shoulder and tried to get the Earprotection of her ears when she suddendly stood up and tried to point the rifle at you.

Y/N: Lower the weapon before anybody gets hurt.

Rook: Emmanuelle put the Rifle down he is Psyche

?: What he's the psychologist?

Y/N: Yes i am and i want my suit back instead of catching another bullet

Rook: And that's why you've got the suit to protect you.

Y/N: Yes but first introduce your friend here preferably without the balaclava

The woman called Emmanuelle put down the balaclava and you noticed a blush on her face

?: My name is Emmanuelle Pichon,Twitch o-on the field

You noticed her small stuttering and started to analyse her behaviour.

Y/N: What kind of Gadget do you have?

Twitch: I have a drone able to take out enemy traps or gadgets with a voltage bolt.

Y/N: When i've got some spare minutes you could explain me that masterpiece of yours

Her blush intensified and she stoped to look you in the eyes

Twitch: Well i c-could d-do that sure it would be nice having someone to Talk to about Tech

Rook: Ok stop now you two let's get back to the suit.When you had your little fight with Oliver i noticed that you were restricted in your movement.You were able to grab the gun from him but the suit didn't let you.I relocated the armorplates and restiched the suit.The suit can't get ripped apart without certain gadgets so in a 1 vs 1 you have the advantage.The suit is inpenetrable against all small firearms cannot be penetrated by stabbing weapons is save against 5.56 mm and 7.62mm,but remember it will hurt like hell from those calibers and anything bigger will only slow down the bullet but not stop from hitting your chest so be careful about enemie snipers.Exept this one or the Mk 14 other half automatic marksmanrifles require further testing.

Y/N: Thanks Julien,so can i get it now?

Rook: Sure but i need you first for a test.

Y/N: What kind of test?

Rook: First put on the suit

Y/N: Ok

You put on the Suit and the matching black leather gloves and returned to Julien and Emmanuelle.Her eyes whiden when she saw you im the suit and you noticed again a blush on her face.

Y/N: Good am i getting shot now or what?

Rook: No,but du will fight against Smoke
He is the best Boxer in Rainbow and wants to fight you desperatly.

Y/N: A Boxer you say? This will be interesting

Rook: Indeed because he will use a knife against you

Y/N: Whaaat?

Rook: Yes,we need to test the stabbing protection of the suit and how flexible the suit is now

Y/N: Good,when will he be here?

?: Just about now

Y/N: You have to be Smoke

Smoke : Yes the name is James Porter nice metting ya lad.

He extended his hand a you shook it noticing that he tried to Crush your hand but failed

Rook: Let's get to the Main part,both of you in fighting position,Y/N try not to get James in the infarmy and the same applies to you James.

Y/N Smoke: Understood

Both of you got into fighting position and James using a Rao 2 tactical knife

Smoke started his push against you and tried to stab your neck with you catching his hand with your left and using the side of your right hand to hit his arm

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Smoke started his push against you and tried to stab your neck with you catching his hand with your left and using the side of your right hand to hit his arm

Smoke: Did you even hit me it didn't hurt at a-

Suddenly the knife fell out of his hand with Rook and Twitches jaws dropping

Y/N: It does not hurt but the arm is unusable until tommorow.

Smoke charges at you trying to stab you again this time directly into the stomach
You dodged the knife and kicked his right calve making him drop to his knees.You kick him hard against the back of his head dropping him unconscious on the ground.

Rook: Seems like the suit works perfectly movementwise but because of your remarkable fighting we've got no chance Test its protection.

Y/N: God dammit.Let's try again tomorrow.

Rook: Good same time same place.

You left the R&D and returned the helmet and vest to the Security.You walked to your dorm and wanted only one thing:Sleep.You drifted into sleep easaly.

Another Chapter finished and that means another Round of Kaiserreich.Leave some appriciated Advice with a comment and see you soon!

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