
8.6K 77 201

You were sitting in your Kitchen drinking some Coffee when you notice Black Van parking infront of your house

Y/N:That car is looking damn suspicous.But hey a van in black is not that uncommon

You continued drinking your Coffee and began reading on some newspapers but you were interupted when you heard the doorbell.

Y/N:Scheiße i knew that car was kinda strange.

The little Glas slides in your door allowed you to get a glipse of your visitor.A man with glasses probably indian.

Y/N:Let's see who we've got here

You opened the door and saw two other figures behind the man with glasses.

Y/N:What can i do for you ?
?: Feldwebel L/N?
Y/N:Yes that's indeed my name
?:i have an offer you can't deny
Y/N:First of all who in the fuck are you?
?:Just call me Harry
Y/N:Let's get straight to the point what are you offering me?
Harry:Just a place in a team called Rainbow

He shows you a letter with a six on it.You take the letter and take a good look at it.

Y/N:I've heard of it before and i know how hard it is to get inside of team Rainbow but i need the allowence of the Oberfeldwebel to go.

Harry:Don't worry about that i have settled a contract between the KSK and us.You just have to sign it.
Y/N: Give me a second...
Y/N inside his mind:Before i will sign anything i should call the Oberfeldwebel.

Y/N:Oberstfelwebel durch eine Person namens Harry habe ich erfahren das ich ein Angebot vom Team Rainbow habe.Er behaupted das dies mit ihnen Geklärt ist.

OF:Tatsächlich dieser Vertrag besteht sie haben unter ihren Einverständnis die Möglichkeit einzutreten.

Y/N:Jawohl Herr Oberst!

You cancel the phonecall and return to Harry who is still standing in your doorstep.

Y/N:Good where do i have to sign?
Harry:Open the letter i gave you.

You use your knive located in the inside pockets of your jacket and open the letter.
You find a contract signed by Harry and your OF and find the space for your signing.You sign the contract and hand it back to Harry.

Y/N:Good when and where will i get picked up?

Harry:Tommorrow 0800 at the Base in Calw.You will board a Helicopter with a fellow German Operator from the GSG9.

Y/N:Good to know.

You were going to bed with good thoughts and you were eager to find out more about you're new team.But now you need some rest.

The next day you woke up at 0500 to have enough time to pack some things and get yourself ready to leave.You put on some camo t-shirt with Jeans.

Y/N:Good i am ready to leave the only thing missing is my necklace.

Your necklace is an iron cross with two years on it:1871-2020.

Y/N:Now i am good to go.

You Grab your car keys and get inside the car

(*Guess what car?!)

(A 1969 black Ford mustang)

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(A 1969 black Ford mustang)

You drive to the Base in Calw and park the mustang.

Y/N:It hurts leaving you behind but now i have to leave you here my loyal horse.

You walked to the Helipad and saw a Bundeswehr Trooptransporthelicopter landing.

Y/N:Guess that's my flight.

You walked to the Helicopter and knocked on the Cockpitwindow so the Pilot would notice you. He gestures you to go in the back of the Helicopter when it opened so you could enter.

Y/N:So this is a new oppertunnity

You step inside and notice a Person inside the Helicopter.It was a female waring a beanie and having a Tablet pressed to her chest.You notice the Dmr in her hands that is suddenly pointed at you.

Y/N:Oii Watch where you aiming at i am the new guy



?:Then we have the right guy,make yourself comfortable its going to be a long flight.

Y/N:Just a question who are you?

?:Codename is Dokkaebi nice Meeting you .

Y/N:I can say the same thing.

You sit down next to Dokkaebi and you have some Smalltalk about the Job and technology when you take a look at the watch on your arm.

Y/N"How long is this flight going take just wanted take a little nap.

Dokkaebi:Do that its going to take little while til we are at Hereford Base.


Author:First real chapter guys any Feedback until this point? Would appriciate it!!

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