Requested: Is It True That You Love Me?

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Yay!! another request!! And it's for @MsCeceStymidt

So I hope you like it, love it and all that. Enjoy:)

BTR4life4ever is out.


Cece's POV

Me and Kendall have been best friends for a long long time. Since practically as long as we can remember. Me and him have only been just friends but we're fine with that. Sure sometimes I wish me and Kendall could be more then friends but I don't think Kendall feels the same way.

Well anyway I was heading over to his house for game night that we have once a week.

All the other guys are probably gonna be there so its not that special but still I love the chance to be around Kendall.

I drove up in front of his house and got out. A crisp cold wind blew against my face, nipping at my nose. I shivered and pulled my jacket around me tighter as I walked up to his door and knocked.

"Your here!" Kendall said opening the door and pulling me into a hug,"I thought that you were gonna call in and cancel too."

"Why would I call in cancel game night?" I asked snuggling into his warm arms and breathing in his scent.

"Cause everyone else did." he said. His warm breath tickling my head. I just sighed and wished to never leave his arms.

"Cece are you okay?" he said pulling out of the hug and looking me in the eyes,"is something wrong?"

"Why would you think somethings wrong? I alright I maybe a little cold since I'm still standing out side your door and haven't been let in yet." I said annoyed that he still hadn't let me in and that he pulled out of the hug, when here I wished it would never end.

"Oops sorry! come in." he said holding the door and allowing me to walk in.

"Hmmm it's so warm in here," I sighed happily as I walked in," wait it's too quite here. Where are the guys at?" The house was too quite for them be here or to try and scare me. I'd know if they were going to scare me anyways.

Those boys can't keep quite even to save there lives.

"They all called in and canceled." he said unhappily and happily at the same time.

"Oh so what was there excuse for not coming?" I asked wondering what lame excuse they gave him.

The guys knew I liked Kendall so they kept trying to set me and him up but Kendall is oblivious to obvious.

"Well James had date, Logan had to work on his latest invention or science project, and Carlos got an up set stomach from eating to many corn-dogs." he said shrugging,"um... what game do you want to play?"

"Don't you remember my favourite game?" I asked, slightly surprised that the guys actually thought of good excuses but I'll ask them tomorrow about how where they were last night to see if they remember there excuses.

"Yes of corse I remember." he said like it was obvious,"I was just thinking that you might want to play something else for a change."

"Well then let's play my favorite game and afterwards we'll play something else." I said as I sat down on the couch, rolling my eyes at him for sounding like it was obvious when he don't really notice the obvious vary much.

"Okay." he said setting up the game then came over and sat by me.

I was normally not vary good at playing this game but now I was beating him every single time, like he wasn't even trying to win.

I caught sight of him a few times watching me then he was watching what he was doing. So he kept making stupid mistakes but I couldn't be sure weather or not I was just seeing things.

"Whats up with you?" I asked after like the fifth time he made a mistake,"normally you play better then this."

"I uh... I umm don't know. Just the guys said something about you and I can't seem to get my mind off of it." he said nervously as he ran his fingers through his dirty blond hair while looking at the floor.

"What could they possibly have said about me that you can't seem to stop thinking about?" I asked with a laugh. He looked up and stared me right in the eyes.

"They said that you have a crush on me." he said looking deep into my chocolate brown eyes.

I let out a gasp and looked down at the floor, which suddenly seemed vary interesting, and my cheeks felt like they were on fire.

Ughh!!! I can't believe they told him that! They promised that they wouldn't tell him and what do you know? They told him!

I felt Kendall put two fingers under my chin and lifted my head up to look him in the eyes as put a stray strand of my wavy chestnut hair behind my ear.

"Is that true?" he asked, there was a hint of hope in his voice.

"Yes it is true! I have crush on you! No I have more then a crush. I love you, I've loved you for a long time but you've never seemed to notice." I said not wanting to look into his beautiful emerald green eyes that I loved.

"I love you too," He said sweetly,"why didn't you tell me?"

I felt my mouth fall open and I quickly shut it. Wait he loves me too?! I can't believe it! I never thought he would have feeling for me as well.

"Well I uh... Didn't think you'd feel the same way and I was afraid that things would become awkward between us and we would stop being friends." I said giving him a sad smile.

"I'd never stop being friends with you and nothing would be awkward between us." he said and with that he leaned in and kissed me on the lips sweetly.

I smiled as I kissed back and wrapped my arms around his neck. The feeling of his lips moving in perfect sync with mine was just pure bliss.

The kiss was just perfect it had everything sparks, fireworks, a tangling sensation traveling all over my body. It was the most perfect thing in my life and I finally knew that he loved me as much as I loved him.

The End


(A/N) So do you think?

Please tell me cause I love hearing from you.

I hoped you liked it @MsCeceStymidt.

Anyways comment, vote, fan and elevate a little higher!

Sorry this was short.

BTR4life4ever out.


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