Requested: Truth Or Dare?

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Here's another requested one!! Woo Hoo!! I love getting requests it makes me feel so honored!

OK this one is for @GigiSchmidt111! My english friend in England!! She is awesome, nice, sweet, and amazing so you all should go and fan/follow her!! Anywho, Gig this is for you!! Hope you like it girl!!!

Gigi's POV

Now I ask myself again why did I agree to play truth or dare with my best friends Kendall, Logan, James and Carlos? Sound like the names of the boys from Big Time Rush, right? Well they are BTR and they're my best friends. It makes me feel like I'm in heaven until we play truth or dare then it feels like hell. You never know what embarrassing question might get asked if you choose truth or what stupid thing you might get dared to do. "Truth." I said answering Carlos question of truth or dare. One thing I've learned from playing, if anything, is never choose dare from Carlos or else.

"Okay then...." Carlos trailed off as he thought of a question. I nibbled on my bottom lip, which by now must have teeth marks in it from the suspense of what new question I might have to answer or what stupid dare I'd have to do if I ever choose dare.

"Gigi, do you like Kendall?" Carlos asked, after what felt like hours of waiting. My eyes widened at the question as I snuck a glance at Kendall, he looked just as surprised as I was, sitting to my right. We were all sitting in a circle on the floor, to my right, as you already know, is Kendall and on his right is James, Carlos was to his right, sitting directly in front of me then last but not least, Logan, sitting beside me on my left. I gulp in a breath of air before answering truthfully,

"No Carlos, I don't not like Kendall." I emphasized the word like and added mentally, 'I do not just like Kendall, I'm in love with him!' Out of the corner of my eye I saw something flash in Kendall's eyes, it looked like disappointment. I could be wrong. I really hope, I'm not.

"Your turn, Gigi." Carlos said, shrugging and smiling at me.

"Alrighty.... Umm, James, truth or dare?" I asked, smiling like a loon.

"Dare." he said, bravely letting his head up high.

"I dare you to go out screaming 'I'm James Maslow and I'm not hot!' up and down the block four times," when I finished saying my dare the rest of boys were giggling and James' held up high head had dropped as he stood up and left. In just few moments later we heard him start yelling and we all burst out laughing our heads off. When James finally came back he looked a bit angry and his face was all red.

"My turn," he said, smiling evilly at me. Uh oh, "Gigi, truth or dare?"

I don't know what came over me, maybe it was because I already said truth or something but one word slipped out of my mouth before I could bite my tung and stop it, "Dare." As soon as I said it I knew it was bad idea and mentally face palmed myself for it, but to late now. James' smile was a sinister and sneaky one. "Okay then I dare you and Kendall seven minutes in heaven in the closet." he said.

My eyes went huge and my face went hot. What? Yes! No! Wait! Ugh too many thoughts and emotions!! I caught sight of Kendall as I stood up and my feet moved on there own accord to the closet, he looked slightly sad and thoughtful.

"I'll set the timer," Logan said as I climbed into the cramped closet standing next to Kendall. Huh, I'm going be trapped in a closet with Kendall Schmidt for seven minutes, what do ya know? The door closed, leaving us in total darkness except for the little bit of light coming in from under the door.

"Sooo," Kendall started stretching out the 'o'," what did you mean by you don't like me?"

Is he seriously gonna start off with that? Was the first thought through my head. I sighed, shook my head and shut my eyes, might as well tell him, "Kendall, I don't just simply like you."

"What do you mean?"

"Is it possible for me to say, and you to believe, that I am truly, madly, deeply in love with you?" I said, half giggling at myself. When he didn't reply, I slowly opened my eyes. I could see the outline of his body as he stood awkwardly in the darkness. I could just barely make out the expression on his face, which was one of happiness.

"Yes" he said, "and I love you too." Okay wasn't expecting that. Maybe. But before I could speak his lips had pressed themselves to mine in a soft, perfect kiss. His lips on mine were the perfect match and fit beautifully together. My eye fluttered closed as he wrapped his arm around my waist, holding tight and close to him. But all to soon Logan yelled, "Times up!" and opened the closet door.

"Whoa! I just said for you two to mainly just stand in closet together not do a full blown out make out session!" James said, trying to keep from laughing like Logan and Carlos.

"No exactly just a make out session." Logan giggled. And that's when I finally realized that Kendall's hand was messing with the bottom of my t-shirt. Kendall and I broke apart from each other like two kids who had just got caught with their hands in the cookie jar.

"I thought you didn't like Kendall," Carlos said, looking at me and Kendall funny.

"I don't," I said, shrugging.

"What do you mean?"

"She means that she is in love with me and has agreed to be my girlfriend," Kendall said, before I could.

"I did?" I asked, looking up at him. Is he seriously asking me to be his girlfriend?

"Yes," he said. I smiled, stretched myself up and wrapped my arms around his neck and said, "If this is your way of asking, then yes." With that our lips reconnected softly and perfectly once again. Blissful.

(AN) Hope you liked it Gigi!! And so sorry for taking so long to post it!

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