My Little Angel

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This one is a birthday one shot for Kendall_IsTheSchmidt!!!:D

So I hope you like it girl and happy birthday!!


Kendall's POV

I woke to the sound of, mine and MacKenzie's baby girl crying. I slipped out of bed, careful not to wake Mac, and tiptoe to the crib.

"Hey, there little one." I say cooing and smiling down at the baby. She stopped her wailing and looks up at me with a dazed look in her emerald green eyes that look exactly like mine. A big toothless grin spreads across her face with the most cutest dimples that I had ever seen. I felt both astonishment and surprise to see her smile. This is the first time she has ever smiled, she's only three weeks old. I smile back at her as I pick her up and out of her crib, holding her close to my chest, using one of my hands to support her head. It's hard for me to believe that it was only nine months ago that Mac told me that she was pregnant with this little miracle I now hold in my arms. I can hardly believe that this little girl is mine and Mac's. Just by looking at her you could tell that me and Mac were the parents. She had my emerald green eyes and dimples with Mac's hair color and facial features. This baby to me, besides Mac, is my world and my life. I'm so glad that the love of my life, MacKenzie, is the mother of this baby. This little angel.

MacKenzie's POV

I stretched my hand across to Kendall's side of the bed, searching for him. His side is still warm but there's was no him. My eyes flutter open and I see him standing there in front of our baby crib.

"Morning," I say dreamily. "Did she wake up? Is she hungry?"

"Don't worry, I've calmed her down, go back to sleep." he says softly, a smile spread across his beautiful face.

"I'm not tired." I lie, sitting up groggily.

"Mac, your not a very good liar," he says, easily seeing through to how sleepy I still feel. "Go back to sleep." He just knows me way too well.

"I'm fine." I say as I get out of bed and walk up to him. "I don't need any more sleep. I'm good and have had enough."

He rolls his eyes at me, relenting. He also knew full well just how stubborn I could be. "Guess what our baby did before you woke up." he says excitedly.

"What did she do?" I ask, looking down at her while she lay quietly in his arm, and smile. She wasn't asleep so when she saw me, she cooed and gave me a big toothless grin that revealed two little dimples.

"That!" Kendall says, pointing at the smile. "She gave me a big smile when she saw me."

"Really?" I ask, a large smile spreading across my face.

"Yep." he says, popping the 'p'.

"What do you think we should name her, Kendall?" I ask him curiously. I know right? Three weeks old and we still haven't decided on a name for her yet. Kendall's eye brows furrow in thought for a moment.

"How about Angel?" He eventually suggests.

"Angel?" I ask curiously. "Why Angel?"

"Because I was just thinking about how she's just like our own perfect little angel. So, what better name could we give her other than Angel?"

"Angel, Angel." I roll the name around on my tongue, testing it out. "It's perfect! Angel, our little angel."

"Do you like that name, Angel?" Kendall asks, directing the question to the baby. She gives him a big smile and then tries to stuffs her entire fist into her mouth.

"I'll take that as a yes!" I baby-talk, smiling.

"I love you, Mac." Kendall says softly and I looked up at him. In that moment, I felt like my heart was gonna burst out of my chest from how much love I had for him.

"I love you too, and I'm so glad that you came into my life." I say, a strong feeling of absolute bliss coming up alongside the love.

"I'm so glad you that came into my life too." he says. With that, he leans in and kisses me softly on the lips. I smile into the kiss, kissing him back as if to make him feel all the love, joy, and happiness that he had brought to me. Our lips moving in perfect sync with each other. When we broke apart from the kiss, I smile up at him before I turn my head to look down at Angel. She was making face, as if she was disgusted by us, with her little pink tongue sticking out.

"Hey," I say to her,"you won't be making such faces like that when you get older and you fall in love." She just smiles back at me and kicks her feet excitedly.

"I'm so happy that this little girl is our very own Angel." Kendall says happily. If only there was a way to describe how I feel right now. All the happiness, blissfulness, and love that Kendall had given me was all that I could have ever wanted in my life. I now have the life that I've always dreamed of. I was married to most loving, caring, and sweetest man ever and had the most perfect and cutest baby. What more could I or anyone else in my place want? It was better that what I could have ever hoped for.

The End


So what do ya think? Please tell me cause I'd really like to know.

Comment, vote, fan and elevate a little higher!!:D

Ps: if anyone wants a personal imagine or one shot just pm me or comment what boy you want, how you want it (romantic, sweet, funny, ect). Thanks for reading:)

BTR4life4ever out


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