1- New Inmate (Edited)

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Roxanna James stood on a chair near the window of E-Block at Cold Mountain Penitentiary waiting for the new death row inmate to arrive. The blonde girl had been working there for a year writing a weekly article for the Louisiana Gazette about the guards and inmates of the Green Mile. It hadn't been her first choice of assignment but since working there she couldn't imagine doing anything else. 

Roxanna turned her head to see Dean Stanton, one of the guards, unlocking and opening the cell at the end of the mile. Roxanna jumped down from the chair, straightened her thick rectangular glasses and walked towards the desk that held her notebook and pen, her black heels clicked on the floor and her green floral dress swayed against her legs. 

Dean walked to the front desk as the phone began to ring and was picked up by Brutus Howell, whom everyone called Brutal, Roxanna watched with curious eyes while writing in her notebook. "E-Block," Brutal answered, "yeah... right," he said and when he put the phone down, walked to the window that Roxanna had been looking out of, watching as the car pulled in through the gates and then he walked over to the toilet door. 

Roxanna walked back to the window, climbed back on the chair and watched the car but continued to listen, "Paul!" Brutal said but he was only met with grunts and Paul replied, "give me a minute." Roxanna shook her head slightly as more grunts came from the bathroom. 

"Is he alright?" She asked quietly looking at the two other men who just shrugged their shoulders and shook their heads. "Are you alright in there?" Brutal relayed the woman's question and again he was met with grunts until Paul answered "For a man pissing razorblades yeah." 

Roxanna shook her head, she was used to such language by now but she knew her mother would turn in her grave if she heard that kind of language around her only daughter. Roxanna knew that Paul should go see a doctor but every time she brought the subject up he changed it so she gave up trying herself and instead called his wife, Jan, to see if she could do anything to help and she had just said to leave him be and that she would try and take him to the doctors.

The toilet flushed as Brutal stepped away from the door and Paul emerged from it, wiping his face with a cloth. Roxanna turned towards the commanding officer as Brutal told him, "you should have took the day off, gone to see the doctor." 

Paul looked up at his fellow guard and friend and answered, "with the new arrival... You know better." Paul looked around the muscular man at the female, "sorry for my language Roxanna."

Roxanna smiled and shook her head, "You've known me for a year, I'm pretty sure I've used worse," All of the men smiled as she continued, "And you should go to the doctor" Roxanna's hazel eyes twinkled with worry and she stared at the sweating man for a while before turning to face the window again. 

Paul dabbed his face a few more times before he spoke, "It's not as bad as it was. I think it's clearing up." Roxanna only shook her head and watched the car move weirdly.

All of the guards walked to their positions, Paul nearest to the cell, with Brutal ready to open the door and Dean waiting near the door. Roxanna watched the car drive and turned to Brutal who was also watching, "why's the car riding like that?" She asked.

Brutal didn't look at her as he answered, "they're riding on the axel," he looked towards Dean and then back out to continue to watch, "they must have bust the springs or something?" But they hadn't busted the springs because when the prisoner stepped out the back of the car sprung back up, Roxanna's eyes widened as she saw the size of the man. The woman had never seen anyone so big and that list included her brother who was taller than Brutal. Brutal's wide eyes met Roxanna's as the prisoner began to walk towards E-Block being guided by Harry Terwilliger and a shouting Percy Wetmore. 

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