11- Arriving With A Bang (Edited)

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Roxanna had heard about the warden's wife being ill and it made her sad, she had met the woman a few times when the warden had her over for dinner when she had first arrived and something that horrible didn't deserve to happen to such a nice lady. But Roxanna pushed those thoughts to the back of her mind as she walked through the hospital with Dean, Harry and Percy to pick up the new inmate. 

The doctor opened the door and the four walked in to see a man standing in the middle of the room, he looked dazed and was slobbering like a dog. Harry waved his hand in front of his face and commented, "The boy is doped to the gills," Dean clicked his fingers in front of his face but they didn't get much of a reaction, "Dean, hand me them clothes" Harry said.

Roxanna stepped forward slightly, "is he alright?" she asked and she could have sworn that his eyes flickered at her but when she looked they were staring straight forward so she brushed it off and looked at Dean who shrugged. Harry moved forward and leant down slightly so he was face to face with the inmate, "William Wharton?" he almost shouted raising his voice so the man could hear him, "Hey! You put on these clothes now, you hear?" all the man did was grunt, moan and mumble as the clothes fell to the floor. Dean shook his head annoyed and glanced at Roxanna, "You might want to step outside, Roxanna, we're gonna have to do this." Roxanna nodded and made her way to the door listening to Percy ramble, "Hellraiser huh? you look more like a limp noodle to me." Roxanna rolled her eyes and stood next to the door waiting for the group to finish so they could head back to the penitentiary. 

On the drive back to Cold Mountain penitentiary Roxanna sat in the front while Dean, Percy and Harry sat with Wharton, as the car pulled to a stop Roxanna jumped out straightening her brown skirt as she did, making sure her white floral top was still tucked in. Roxanna watched as Percy and Harry guided Wharton and Dean walked up to her, "You wanna open the door?" Roxanna nodded and Dean smiled as he handed the keys over, Roxanna skipped slightly up the stairs and unlocked the door, glancing behind her at Dean who was followed by Percy, Wharton and Harry. Dean ordered Wharton to step up when he wouldn't move and Roxanna pushed the door open. Roxanna was about to walk inside when Dean was pushed to the ground next to her, hitting his head on the wall, and chains were wrapped around her neck. Roxanna gasped in surprise, she was pushed forward as Wharton whooped and hollered down her ear making it ring slightly.

Wharton pushed Roxanna so she was bent over the table but she pushed herself with all her might up against him so he shoved her around to face Paul who had run towards them with his baton out. Roxanna felt like a rag doll being thrown around by a man who was around the same height as her, Paul grunted as he tried to pull Wharton off her but fell to the ground when the inmate kicked him where the sun didn't shine. Harry then ran through the door and bounced on Wharton's back but was pushed off when the latter threw his head backwards hitting Harry's nose, Wharton then used Roxanna to push Harry over the desk. 

Roxanna cried out as pain shot threw her side and her eyesight began to fill with black spots, her hands gripped the chains and tried to free her neck from them but it didn't work. Dean wobbled to his feet and moved forward but Wharton used Roxanna again to push him down to the floor, another jolt of pain went up Roxanna's side and tears began to fall from her eyes as she was helplessly manoeuvred where Wharton wanted her. Wharton laughed and moved Roxanna in front of him while staring at Paul who pointed his gun at him, "ain't this a party now?" he shouted while Roxanna struggled to free herself. Paul pointed the gun at the pair and ordered, "Let her go" his voice sounded like he was in pain but Roxanna couldn't think about that yet as she was in pain as well. 

Wharton laughed, "Who you gonna hit?" he taunted, "Me or this pretty lady," Roxanna felt Wharton lick her ear and whisper, "Mmmmm tasty." Roxanna grunted in disgust and tried to free herself even more as she felt his front press against her back and she felt something she never wanted to feel. He was turned on by her pain and it made Roxanna feel violated as his little friend pressed against her.

Roxanna was moved so she was facing Percy who just stood there like a lost puppy with his baton in hand, "Hit him, Percy," Paul ordered not wanting to use his gun in case he hit Roxanna, "god damn it! Hit him!" it looked like Percy was in some kind of daze as both Paul and Wharton spoke, "I'm warning you!" Wharton laughed at Paul's threat, "You warning me?" he taunted, "You warning me? me? while I have this pretty lady pressed against me? you warning me?" Wharton's yabbering was cut off by Brutal storming into the room, grabbing Percy's baton and sneaking up on Wharton. 

Roxanna would have breathed a sigh of relief if she could breathe when she saw Brutal in the corner of her eye, Brutal beat Wharton on the head which caused Wharton and Roxanna to fall to the floor, the grip on the chains loosened and Roxanna pushed herself free as Brutal hit Wharton again making him unconscious.

Brutal threw the baton back to Percy and then helped Roxanna sit up so she was lying against his chest, "Come on Roxanna," he spoke in a gentle voice "just breathe. That's it, breath," Brutal unbuttoned Roxanna's top shirt buttons hesitantly but Roxanna couldn't care less as she greedily inhaled the oxygen around her. The reporter leaned against Burtal's chest as his arms wrapped around her keeping her upright against his chest, "Just breathe, deep breaths." Roxanna weakly moved her hand around and when she found Brutal's hand she clutched it tightly.

Roxanna turned her head slightly into Brutal's shoulder as tears ran down her cheeks, her grip tightened on his hand as his other hand moved to gently stroke her back, "it's alright, just breath, it's alright" Brutal softly whispered, trying to calm her down which seemed to be working until Wharton groaned loudly, the sound caused Roxanna to move closer into Brutal like a young child for comfort and all Brutal could do was stroke her hair and whisper to her. 

The block was silent for a few moments, the only sound being heard was Roxanna's cries and Brutal trying to calm her down, Harry popped up from behind the shelves he had fallen into, blood pouring from his nose and gasped out, "We thought he was doped, didn't we?" Harry felt bad for Roxanna who was still curled into Brutal, "Didn't we, all of us, think he was doped?" Dean wobbled over to Brutal and Roxanna, a cut bleeding from his forehead, and gently patted Roxanna's back like he would with his children after they had a nightmare. 

Paul grunted from his bent-over position his hands resting on his knees keeping him upright and looked at Harry, "You didn't ask?" he complained glancing at Roxanna with worry, "Well, I guess that's not a mistake you'll be needing to make again anytime soon, is it?" his breathing was heaving and erratic as he looked at the destruction before him. 

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