Chapter 15

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Here's some key notes for you:
Y/N = Your Name
Y/G = Your Gender
E/C = Eye Color
H/C = Hair Color
F/Co = Favorite Cookie

No one's POV:

Years later...

Hime and Izuru got married and Hime became pregnant. Hime research about pregnancies because she hardly know anything about it. All she knows is you get pregnant for 9 months and have a baby shower. Her mother taught her some about pregnancies and force her to go to lot of baby showers. She is 5 months pregnant now. She was getting more insecure than she thought she'll be.

Even time she sees Izuru talking to someone, she felt her silliness of getting jealous spread through her body. She never wants that. If she get angry about this, this will kill the baby like poison. Izuru always said that she's he only thing that have something in common and that makes him very happy. She felt the same way too.

Looking at the cool, breezy sky, Hime felt passion for the Hope and the love that provided her. At first, she never believe it happiness, hope, despair, courage, or love. She never thought that God will follow her through the despair. She smile warmly and cradle her pregnant stomach, waiting for her newborn born.

Time skip... and this is the part that you guys are involved ❤️!

Screaming in pain, Hime clenched her teeth and Hajime and Izuru's hands deadly. It was time. Time for the baby to meet the world. Grow and Develop. Mikan was ready for this. As the Ultimate Nurse, she may be clumsy, but she felt prepared. "You got this! Push, Hime-Chan," she shouted. Hime screaming for the pain to end. Every part of her body screams. Nagito tries to help her with a bagel. Calling it, "Hope Bagel". Hime huffs with laughs in between pushes. Little pushes. Big pushes. Deep breaths. Until she can hear a life of a baby. You.

Mikan carries you properly. Hajime prays she won't drop you. You have the most amazing E/C and little Y/C on your half bald head. You were majestic. Filled with hope in those eyes. Your mother huffs and laughs impossibly at the same time. She been through more pain you caused. But, it was worth it.

When you was taken to another room to get cleaned up, you wasn't used to it. You weigh like a feather and is absolutely a healthy baby. You still cried to you heard your mother's voice and humming a lullaby. Hime hums like a hummingbird. Beautiful like a peacock spreading it's wings tails. You notice that your father, Izuru, cries, making your mother stops humming, then starts laughing and teasing at him. You wonder why.

"What should we name her," Him asked. Izuru looks down at you, friendly. "Y/N," He declared. What a beautiful name. It fits you perfectly. Hime gives you to Izuru as he cradles you like he's holding a doll gently. You look at him, trying to to get a good look at him. You did that to your mother too. But, you know she's beautiful.

Then, your uncle, Hajime, holds you, crying. He's cries because his hand was sore from your mother's clenching and seeing you for the first time.

For the pass two years, you were two year old. You play a lot. Lots a trouble caused. But you learned your mistakes with time outs. You taste tested your mother's amazing cooking and couldn't wait for dinner all the time.

One night, You toss and around your small body on the bed. You realize you are hungry. You crawl out of bed and sneak out of your bedroom for some sweets. You were smart enough to use your baby foot stool that Izuru buys you for your 1st birthday to get some cookies off the table. Once you got your F/Co, you sat on you foot stool and eat.

"What's that sound," you heard your mother asking herself. You panic. Your mother isn't a very light sleeper. She was between light and heavy sleeping. You didn't think about that or the consequences while munching on you F/Co. "Y/N!" You whimpered. You in big trouble. This is the 4th time you got caught eating cookies and waking up in the middle of the night. Some were successful. Hime laughs softly and ask, "Aww, baby, you know you should have ask me, you know that right?"

You forgot how nice your mom is. Giving you a 10 minute time out and rewards you a cookie for behavior after time out, was the best part about your childhood. "Sorry, mommy," you said, disappointed of yourself. Your parents never lets you have so much sweets, so that's why you sneak for your cookies.

Him smiles and said, "Come on, baby. Time out in the afternoon and is time for sleep." Your mother walks you to your bedroom and tucks you in. "Mommy, can you sing for me," you ask. She gives one of her broadly smile at you, nodding with agreement. So, she sang you to sleep.

Your life continues as a child...

Sorry for the wait. Hope you enjoy!

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