𝐈𝐈. 𝐓𝐚𝐫𝐠𝐞𝐭

22 1 0

The dark green leaves darkened the space Kayden stood, the grass crumbling below his shoes with the slightest shuffle. It was around 6 PM, the sun was beginning to hide itself amongst the gray clouds. He looked towards a tree in the distance, somewhat zooming in on it. It had a small worm crawling along on it, and it slithered and slithered. Somewhat reminded him of writhing corpses. "I believe the target for your first mission is...that girl." Daisuke said quietly, his body was facing Kayden, but his gaze was on the girl ahead. Kayden almost spaced out again, before Daisuke's stern voice startled him. "Well?" He asked sharply, glaring at Kayden now.

He snapped back to reality after his harsh tone, quickly shaking his head, then facing Daisuke. "Ah- yes that's her. Thank you for assisting me with my first mission." He whispered, his tone was still friendly, and his space blue eyes were serious but still welcoming. He noticed how much plants and flora were here, elves didn't go here much, and he could hear callings of birds in the distance. Just minutes ago he was in a green, lush forest, but now this felt.. Bleak. And lonely.

"Oh um, do I just- do it? Sorry I'm not an expert," He asked, slightly nervous. He faced Daisuke, his eyes toward the girl on the log, though. He tried to have some faith in himself. What could possibly go wrong murdering someone out here? ..Well, Daisuke's face said a lot. A slightly hard look on his face, "Yes. Try not too be loud, I wouldn't want you to end up like Miss Risa." Daisuke said blankly, as Kayden slightly winced, remembering Risa. He'd only known her for a short time, but it still hurt him to see her in such a state.. He didn't wanna mess this up, Daisuke was right. He didn't want to end up like Risa, or even worse. Or have Daisuke be the one hurt- 

emember, I'm only here in case something goes wrong. I won't be assisting you in any other ways." Daisuke then smiled, but it wasn't friendly as a smile should be, instead stone cold. He gestured toward her, in a way of telling Kayden he should go and kill her any time now, and also that he should definitely stop stalling. Well, maybe that part was a little more personal-

Kayden nodded, dusting some dirt of the forest off of him. He quietly trudged over to his target. Very conveniently, the dead leaves didn't dare to crumble or break under his heavy boots, unlike the withering grass that shuffled and folded. "Ah- um, excuse me ma'am, what are you doing here?" He stood behind the coal-haired girl, querying nervously. The question was to no avail- sort of. She didn't speak. She was quiet as she sat still, the only movement being her shrugging shoulders. "Oh. I apologize in advance." Kayden said calmly, before pulling out a scythe on his back that didn't seem to even be there before, holding up the blade to the girl's neck. "I'm sorry ma'am. This is it." He apologized dully, feeling a slight twinge of guilt staring down at her.

However, the girl gave no hint of despair or agony, but instead reassured Kayden, "..It's okay." She replied in a cracking fragile voice. Delicate tears rolled down her face, but he could see the hint of a smile. Kayden slightly lowered his weapon. The breeze passing by greeted them softly. He raised his hand and hesitantly wiped the tears off of Sofie's face, and pat her on the head, slightly ruffling her hair. "It'll be okay." He attempted to reassure, even though she.. clearly wasn't going to be. 

TW! Small m^rd^r desc and bl^^ding mention next^^

He then clipped the scythe almost effortlessly into Sofie's neck. He was completely silent as he took the blood stained hook out of her neck, watching the fluid spill onto the floor. Warm neon pink blood stained the ground, slithering over it. making a small puddle. He watched as she bled to her demise. It was so interesting, that her murder was so incredibly timeless in comparison of a human life which could have possibly had so much more years to bloom. To be entirely truthful, he'd expected this mission to be much harder. But strangely enough it was... It wasn't hard at all. Calming, dare he might say.

It was only now that Kayden had actually been snapped back to reality after being a bit too.. Immersed. He looked up to a familiar face come out from behind the trees, their different colored eyes on the now deceased girl. "Well done, Kayden." Daisuke nodded slightly, as he looked around the area for a second. "That's one mission done. As you can see, it was quite easy, so I'm sure you'll have no problem with more in the future." He stated bluntly, the second statement overshadowing the first one. Gosh.. He couldn't tell what Daisuke was thinking at all. He sighed slightly, before turning back to face Daisuke. "Oh, yeah. Can we do something quickly?" He asked Daisuke, suddenly feeling under the weather, not really knowing why, though.

"Oh..?" Kayden looked up at the other, who was about to turn around and leave, but then stopped. "I suppose. Just don't take too long." Daisuke went and stood near the trees, some of the leaves shading over his face. That- That made Kayden not really wanna do it anymore, ironically. "Never mind— it's fine. Oh- we better get out of here, eheh-" He shook his head, sighing slightly as some of his messy brown hair dusted over his face. He picked off a dead leaf that fell on top of his head,  staring at it in between his fingers. He crumpled whilst it was in his hands, tossing it on the floor. "..Okay then." Daisuke said, turning away as Kayden would follow behind, restoring his scythe back into it's respective place.

And then the both of them walked into the shadows.


word count: 1000 words (not including this and th3 warning!)

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