Chapter 3 ~ his smile

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D a y o n e


"Would you like to go in?" The woman kindly asked and taehyung finally came to his senses

"U-uh...sure" he scratched the back of his neck while the woman scanned her key card and a small buzz was heard before she pushed open the door that had no handles

"Jungkook you have a visitor" she said softly walking in with Taehyung following

When Taehyung entered the room he looked around, it was quite small and mostly white with a small bed in the back left corner , a desk beside it, wardrobe opposite and a door leading to what He presumed was a bathroom

The boy stared at the floor, staying silent

"Sorry he's a little shy, I'll leave you two and if you need me press that button" she said pointing to the red button on the wall

As soon as she left taehyungs nerves doubled but he had to get this over with

Putting down his bag and taking a seat he finally spoke "Hello, my names Taehyung" the boy still didn't reply so he carried on "would you like to tell me some things about you"

"Aren't you scared of me" jungkook blatantly replied still staring at the floor


"Why not, everyone seems to be scared of me, I mean, I look crazy" he said with sadness in his voice and moving his arms as much as he could to aim at what he was wearing

"You haven't given me a reason to be scared" Taehyung kindly responded "you probably don't want to talk and I get that but I just want to know some small things...i don't know, like.... how old are you?" He asked, starting off slow.
Jungkook was speaking and that was progress, he kept repeating to himself

"Don't you already know everything about me from the files they have on me?" The boy scoffed

"No, I haven't read them, all I know is your name" that's when jungkook looked up


"Really, so will you tell me how old you are?" Taehyung smiled and jungkook looked back down again, circling his feet on the floor

"I'm 20"

"Oh, I'm 22" jungkook then stopped

"Aren't you a little young to be a doctor?"

"I'm not a doctor" the older laughed "I'm just a college student"

"Why are you here then" jungkook stared at him making Taehyung feel a little uneasy but he continued anyway

"To talk to you" jungkook, again, didn't respond "how long have you been here? A week? A month?"

"Ten years"
Taehyung was not expecting that, what could this boy have possible done to be here that long, besides being a little distant and blunt he seems... normal, why was he in a mental hospital

Jungkook stared at his attire "you look rich"


Jungkook looked back down, mentally hitting himself "sorry I'm not good with uh... people"

"It's okay, you can say anything you want, I do come from a wealthy family, yes"


For the next 50 minutes they spoke, Taehyung hadn't learnt much besides he has the mentality of a 10 year old which is understandable seeing how long he's been in here, his birthday was last week but he doesn't celebrate it, he loves iron man and from what Taehyung could tell he doesn't have much of a family

They wasn't talking about anything Taehyung wanted to ask but it was just small talk, learning each others interests so jungkook could feel comfortable with the other so he would open up a little more

With the sound of a buzz Taehyung looked over and saw Dr Jung walking in "Taehyung may I speak with you for a moment" the boy nodded and walked out of the room with her

"How's everything going?"

"It's going Fine, I do have a question though... how come he's wearing a straight jacket? and why has he been here so long?"

"Well I cant tell you anything about why he's here that's up to him to share but it's better for him to be here then out on the streets with no home and on his own, as for the straight jacket that was just a safety precaution, he had his monthly doctors appointment today and he doesn't particularly like people touching him"

"Will it be off tomorrow?"
Taehyung had already planned to come here for one hour a day for the next two weeks, not including weekends, so that way he could be done fast but also not to disrupt his studies

"Yes, of course"

"Um.... this may sound weird but can I bring anything with me?"

The woman laughed lightly "food, yes, he has no dietary restrictions, things like games is fine as well but anything you bring will be looked through to see if it's safe, also for the next few days can you come wearing shoes without laces and not bring any wires or string or anything sharp... jungkook is one of the patients under suicide watch"

The last statement left Taehyung even more confused, he was dying to know more about the younger but he didn't want to push it

"You best go back in there now and finish your hour, when you're ready to leave press the button and I'll show you out" she smiled before walking away and taehyung made his way back to the chair he was sat on before

"So good news, I can bring stuff in, would you like me to bring anything next time?"

"Next time?" Jungkook tilted his head like a confused puppy

"Yeah you'll see quite a bit of me for the next couple weeks, so is there any snacks you like? Anything you dont get here?"

"Oh can you bring banana milk!, and cookies and... I don't even know where to begin I haven't ate anything other then the stuff they give me here for years" jungkook smiled excitedly and taehyung couldn't help but return it

It was the first time he had ever seen him smile and something inside him made him want to do anything to see that smile over and over again


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