Chapter 13 ~ mistakes

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"So how old are you?"

"I- I'm s-seventeen" honestly with the youngers height Taehyung did not expect him to be so young

Especially since that means that he's been with yeonjun since he was 15

"Wow you're just a kid then... have I seen you before?" Taehyung slightly recognised him but wasn't sure

"I used to come to your house most days so you probably have"

Taehyung seen yeonjun with his friends a lot but he was always told to never talk to them by yeonjun because he knew that all Taehyung would do is tell them a load of embarrassing things about him and he really didn't want to spend the rest of his life being made fun of and making new friends is a lot harder then it seems

"I was just messing with you by the way, there's no reason to be scared of me I won't hurt you" Taehyung laughed "if yeonjun likes you you're safe... for now" he roughly patted the purple haired boys back, making him flinch

Soon yeonjun came running out, taking his place next to soobin

"you seem like a nice guy so I won't kill you but now's the part where you leave so we can talk about you" Taehyung bluntly said, making soobin start walking towards the door with yeonjun following

Taehyung sat down on the couch listening to what the two was saying

"I'm really sorry about him"

"He hates me"

"No he doesn't, he was just a little surprised"

"Well I'll see you at school tomorrow"

After that Taehyung didn't hear the door close as he thought he would, but instead he heard the faint sound of kissing making him jump up from where he was sat, clapping to get their attention

"Ok that's enough of that" he walked up to the two who backed away from each other

"Yeah I'll go now, I-it was n-nice meeting you"

"I wish I could say the same... thank you for ruining the image of my little brother for me and next time we meet you better be wearing clothes" before soobin could even reply Taehyung shut the door then bursting out in a fit of laughter

"You don't have to be so mean!" Yeonjun slapped the olders arm

"That was so funny... he's adorable" Taehyung said laughing so much there were tears in his eyes


The two boys talked for ages, yeonjun explaining everything detail of how they met and honestly to Taehyung it felt nice being able to talk like this to his brother again

Since he moved out the only conversation between them was either on the phone or at the dinner table and he was starting to miss how they used to be

Yeonjun started to notice something about Taehyung, a sudden change in his behaviour and he was starting to slowly see the old version of him, the one he used to stay up until midnight talking to, the side of him yeonjun actually got along with and whatever caused this to happen, yeonjun was entirely grateful for

After a few minutes of silence Taehyung couldn't help but think about what had happened earlier that night, and how badly he screwed everything up

"What's the matter?" The younger asked, noticing Taehyungs instant change of emotions

"Nothing" the older mumbled making it even more obvious that something was up

"We've never lied to each other before do why are you lying now"

Taehyung scoffed "your one to talk, you've been lying to me about a secret boyfriend for years"

"Correction, I didn't lie I withheld information and it isn't like you asked 'do you have a boyfriend?' Or anything so how could I have possibly lied" silence was all that followed until yeonjun spoke again "did you get in a fight with someone? Is that why you have blood on you?"

The second he saw Taehyung fully, he noticed the blood but when he seen that he wasn't injured it just lead him to believe that one of the olders friends had got themselves in some sort of accident again, knowing how clumsy they've always been and how many times something stupid would happen, like jimin kicking himself in the face and getting a nosebleed, he didn't ask

"It's nothing honestly"

"Again with the lying!" Yeonjun rolled his eyes

"Can I ask you something?" The younger nodded with a smile

Taehyung could only think about how jungkook was doing right now and how he had reacted

"What would you do if you kissed one of your friends who had a girlfriend"

Yeonjun turned to him, shocked over the question but answered anyway "that's actually happened before and I didn't exactly take it that well, even though my friend was so nice about it I still felt like shit and cried for days over the stupidest decision I had made in my whole life, and me and my friend completely drifted apart and I haven't even seen him in over a year, why? did you..."

Taehyung got the hint of where he was going and shook his head "more like the other way around"

"Which friend? Wait! Don't tell me jimin kissed you? I actually thought he had standards" Taehyung chose to ignore the last sentence and kept going

"No it wasnt jimin, He's a newer friend and honestly I didn't think he liked me like that, I didn't think he even liked guys"

"What did you say after he kissed you" Taehyung scratched the back of his neck and his facial expressions answered the question enough for yeonjun "you ran away didn't you?! I bet you said something that made him feel even worse, something dumb like 'I'm straight' or something like that"

Again Taehyung didn't need to answer for yeonjun to understand "I hate that I have such an ass of a brother as you! He's probably going through some real self identity issues and you act like a complete piece of shit. I can't imagine how he must feel right now, I mean personally I'd jump off of the nearest bridge"

"I didn't know what to do! I still don't! I dont wanna loose him"

"Then you need to talk to him and not me because honestly I'm a little pissed off at you right now" quickly, Taehyung jumped up, grabbing his phone and keys and running to the door

Without even listening Taehyung was running out of the apartment while shouting "CLEAN THE SHEETS"

"Why is he so dumb" yeonjun said to himself rolling his eyes at his hyung


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