Chapter 15 ~ Monday

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When jungkook woke he felt something underneath his head that he assumed was a pillow but felt.... different softer even and didn't smell like the pillows he usually slept on, nonetheless he snuggled in more, wanting to go back to sleep

After a few seconds he snapped out of his daze and finally woke up fully, sitting straight up he looked over to his left and that's when he seen Taehyung lead there, peacefully asleep

He couldn't even remember falling asleep and why didn't someone come in and throw him out, why was he still here?

He stared in awe at the older, watching how his eyelashes fluttered slightly every now and then and how until now he had never noticed the little mole on the tip of his nose, under his eye and on his cheek

Every little thing that most people would call imperfections was what made Taehyung so perfect

Jungkook lead back down on his side, not wanting to wake Taehyung any time soon

He started drifting back to sleep when Taehyung started to move

The older turned to his side and grabbed ahold of jungkooks waist, pulling him closer

Although the action meant nothing as he was still asleep, it still made jungkook face start to heat up like crazy and his heart to beat so hard that he swears he could hear it

Jungkook placed his hand on taehyungs cheek jumping out of his skin when some loud irritating noise started to sound quickly waking up the older

"shit" he mumbled, soon jumping out of bed and grabbed his phone "I have an hour to get home get changed and get to class!"

Jungkook just nodded, thinking about how now Taehyung was going to leave him again

"I really have to go" he quickly put his shoes on running towards the door "I'll see you later" he said before leaving the room and running out of the building as fast as he could, not wanting to even be a second late


Fortunately Taehyung made it to class just in time though he did have to brush his teeth in the car

When he ran into the classroom his professor wasn't there yet so he walked over to his desk and took a seat then having to concentrate on not falling asleep during class


When Taehyung was on his way home his phone started to ring, displaying jimins name on the screen in his car, quickly accepting the call

"Hi what's up?"

"I tried to find you earlier, did you go home early?"

"Yeah I'm on my way back now why?"

"Just wanted to ask how jungkook was after I left, I was so freaked out when I seen him like that, do you know what happened?"

Taehyung hated lying to his best friend but since jungkook asked him to forget about what happened, talking about it would be the opposite of that

"I don't know what happened but I know he's fine now"

"Oh well uh... that's good"

"So are you and jungkook close now? I didn't even know he had your number"

"I gave him it Saturday in case you started to get boring" the older laughed

"Wait what?... Saturday? You seen him Saturday?"

"Only for a few minutes, I was passing by and had a lot of time on my hands so yeah, sorry I didn't mention anything I just didn't think I had to"

Taehyung didn't know why but he felt... angry, it wasn't his place to say who sees jungkook it's not like he owned him or had any claim over him but he still didn't like jimin hanging around him that much

"It's fine..." he tried to sound as convincing as he could but luckily he had a reason to hang up "sorry chim but I have to go I'm almost home... wait" as Taehyung drove into the car park he recognised a familiar car parked where he usually parked


When he got close enough he was finally able to read the license plate and that's when he knew something bad was going to happen "my parents are here"

"Oh shit I thought they never came to see you"

"They don't" Taehyung turned the engine off and unbuckled his seatbelt "I've got to go wish me luck"

Jimin whispered a little 'good luck' before ending the phone


As Taehyung got closer to the door of his apartment he started hearing muffled noises from the other side of the wall, he couldn't make out any words but he could tell it was his mother yelling, he could recognise that anywhere

As he took slow and small steps towards the door every inch of him was telling him to turn around and run but knowing that yeonjun was most likely in there gave him a reason to stay

Assuming it was unlocked he turned the door handle immediately opening the door and the voices became less muffled

"JUST WHEN WE THINK YOU'RE GETTING BETTER WE GET SENT THESE PHOTOS WITH YOU AND SOME BOY! WHY WONT YOU LISTEN TO US FOR ONCE AND STOP BRINGING SHAME TO THIS FAMILY!" Taehyung heard coming from the living immediately running in that direction, wanting to stop whatever was going on

When Taehyung entered the room his mother father and yeonjun all looked at him, his mother's eyes filled with rage whereas his brothers held tears instead

Without any words being spoken the woman walked in a fast pace towards Taehyung and when she was close enough Taehyung was not expecting what she was about to do

With all the strength she had she slapped her son across the face


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