Chapter 16 ~ mommy issues

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M r s K i m


Pain spread across Taehyungs face as his cheeks slowly got covered in tears

Who knew a woman who looked like the perfect mother, who always spoke about how much she loved her children to all her friends, could inflict so much pain on her own son

"How dare you!"  Taehyung thought over the last 22 years of his life but he couldn't think of a single thing that he did recently to make his mother so mad

"Not only do I hear that you've been hanging around with some lunatic from an insane asylum who could rip this family apart, we also had to find out that you let jennie leave! Do you understand how much her family has helped us out in the passed and how much they could benefit us, everything you're doing will ruin all we've done to try and cover up things from the passed!"

"What do you mean things from the passed?" Taehyung asked, holding his hand against his stinging cheek

"You're not in any place to be asking questions! All you need to know is that you have to Stop going to that place and cut all contact with that boy if you want to live another day! He could ruin this family with just a simple sentence if he chooses to and yet your going to see him everyday? ... You will stop talking to him and focus on getting your relationship back to how it was!"

Taehyung couldn't understand why she was so against jungkook, he wouldn't do anything to hurt Taehyung and if he knew something about taehyungs family like his mother is saying surely he would've told him?

His father then rose to his feet and placed a hand on her shoulder "calm down" he said softly which only just made her even angrier

"Calm down? HOW CAN I CALM DOWN WHEN I HAVE TWO SONS SET OUT TO DESTROY US! First we find out about Taehyung becoming besties with the boy we thought we got rid of long ago, then how he's fucked up his relationship that was the only thing he's ever done in his whole miserable life that's ever benefitted this family! Then on top of that we get sent these peoples of yeonjun kissing a BOY!" The woman shoved her phone in the mans face "Don't you understand how bad this looks for us! How embarrassing it is to have them as part of our family, how could we possibly raise kids who are so fucked up!" She said stopping her feet in a childish manner, acting as if the two boys wasn't in the room.

yeonjun then spoke without even thinking "it wasn't like you actually raised us though was it?" Soon the tv remote came flying towards yeonjuns face which luckily had missed him, hitting the wall instead

"Oh I'm sorry we wasn't there that much for you when you was little" the woman said with a sarcastic tone "me and your father worked our asses off for you both to have anything you could possibly dream of and yet you ungrateful little shits are asking for more?!"

"I'm just asking for a real mom, I couldn't give a fuck about the money" the older man quickly held his wife back, knowing how much she would actually hurt him


A few hours later

Jungkook Focus

Jungkook had fortunately been moved back into his room where there wasn't even a single sign of blood and the hole in the wall that jungkooks own fist had made seemed to have vanished, like as if yesterday didn't even happen, as if he had dreamt everything.

So many occasions the boy would have trouble telling apart reality and the fantasy world in his subconscious mind, with the repetitive boring days he was met with every day his imagination was all he had to entertain him and he started forgetting what was real and what was just inside of his head, so when something actually happened that wasn't part of his everyday life he had a hard enough time believing it was real, especially when people were acting like it never even happened.

Snapping back to reality, The brunette thought back to wether taehyung had mentioned anything to him that he wasn't going to come today but last they spoke he told jungkook that he would, he wouldn't just not show up when he said he was going to.

Staring at the device in his hand, jungkook debated on wether or not to call or text Taehyung to ask if anything happened but he couldn't physically do it, all he could think about was if he hadn't shown up for a reason, what if he felt uncomfortable with being around jungkook since he kissed him? What if he was now scared of the younger? Jungkook had done so many things in these passed 24 hours that would scare most people away so why would Taehyung be an exception?

Deciding to put his phone back under the pillow, jungkook lead back down and ran his fingers through his hair while staring at the ceiling, drifting off into the overwhelming thoughts in his mind

The silence that surrounded the boy had ended when the buzzing sound of the door opening hit jungkooks ears, who instantly rose to his feet with excitement, hoping to see a certain raven haired boy but instantly lost his smile the second he saw someone else walking into the room.

"Try not to look too happy to see me" Jimin laughed while setting down his jacket on the chair

"Sorry I just... I was expecting someone else" the younger sat down, holding his head in his heads

"Lemme guess, Taehyung? I thought he would've told you"

"Told me what?"

The orange haired boy sat down next to jungkook, making himself comfortable "well last I spoke to him, his parents came to see him which can't mean anything good since they don't live exactly close and they never just 'visit' it's always for a reason, I thought he would've called you to tell you he couldn't come but he's probably getting his ass whooped by his mom right now and couldn't get to the phone"

The relief that jungkook felt from now knowing his disappearance wasn't because of the younger but from something else soon got replaced with worry "you don't think he's in trouble do you?"

"Nah, don't worry ok, taehyungs such a fucking suck up to his parents that he could never do anything wrong and if he did they wouldn't be bad for long, it's probably about yeonjun"

"Taehyungs brother? why would they go to Taehyung about him?"

The older raised an eyebrow "Taehyung really doesn't tell you anything huh?"

Jungkook felt embarrassed, he spent so much time with the older who knew almost everything about him but he hadn't made much effort in finding out anything about Taehyung, and even if he had asked, Taehyung would've changed the subject like he usually does when asked, like as if he doesn't want to tell jungkook anything

"Yeonjun got thrown out the other day and now he's staying with Taehyung, and to put the cherry on top yeonjun managed to do the impossible and drove jennie away"the boy laughed "seriously my love for taehyungs brother right now it's unreal"

"Oh" was all jungkook said


Do you ever get it when you just don't have the energy to do anything anymore? Like you've lost interest in everything you used to love doing and what makes you feel happy and all you want to do is sleep or just do nothing? Idk if I'm making any sense😂

Holy mother of god I had no idea this was in my drafts 👁👄👁 I thought I updated months ago, anyway I'm so sorry for making you guys wait 😂 I didn't even think anyone would even read this

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