Uzumaki Naruto!

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That's right.... This world... Is cruel. I realized that long ago.

From that moment, I was able to perfectly... control myself. I had no rage.

It felt like I was controlling a power the exact opposite of rage.

I wasn't exactly at peace either. But I felt it. 

Im fine with this

Im fine with this

Im FINE with this


Iruka's shocked face with thoughts of Mizuki shared in all sections of his mind. 

He looks into Naruto's grey eyes and realizes something is off. 

Naruto's eyes aren't grey. The whizzing of kunai throw Iruka off guard....

But what throws him into a spiral of confusions is when the kunai phase through Naruto.

Wait, he moved? Did he dodge that fa-

Iruka doesn't have time to think as the sound of Mizuki landing on a branch shocks him.


"The scroll, Naruto give it to me." Mizuki's very serious voice calls out to me.

I'm too focused to... I'm not focused at all actually.

I'm not controlling my body, my body is controlling me.

I can only stare blankly as Iruka yells at me to run and protect the scroll with my life.

"Mizuki used you because he wants it for himself!!"

"Naruto! Give me the scroll! I'll show you what it means!" 

"Don't you want some help?" Mizuki's grin is unsettling.

We spend 10 minutes in a 3 way staring contest before Mizuki rushes towards meeeeEEEEEEEEEEE!

I start rushing towards him as well. We meet midair and he throws a punch at my lunging form.

Wind flickers in my face and I want to close my eyes. But I don't.... I can't. 

I instantly am behind him and before he can fully land on the ground I shove my hand through his stomach.

And it's over.

"It" Meaning the memory.

As I lay in the medical bed the story in my head shocks me.

What the heck had I just done? Had I killed a guy who just wanted to help me?

And who was this elderly guy with white hair. And why did he seem like my grandfather?

(This is a remake of my first ever fanfiction.) I realized I messed up. And I promised not to discontinue or delete it. So I'm making it again. I mad the title a little more fitting for the new theme I'm going for in this new fanfic.

Naruto Vs The Power Of Ultra InstinctWhere stories live. Discover now