Coming Soon

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"Who are you?" I asked. I was honestly confused. "Come on brat!" The weird guy said.

Laughing along as he seemed to think I was joking. "You only fell down a few feet!"

He seemed to notice my confused face.

"Kid?" He asked. Was I being kidnapped? "We're about there to the leaf.. I'll take you there."

Instantly, something snapped inside of him. He didn't want to go to the leaf. He remembered the hateful comments and looks.

He couldn't do anything but stare. He also WANTED to go to the leaf. He also had good and heartfelt memories of that place.

He couldn't quite place it, but he ended up going with the weird guy.

....Beware. Pov change....

"Huh? N-Naruto???" I didn't know he was coming home today.

"Wow... I almost didn't recognize you, we've both really grown huh?"

"Who are you?" That response, especially coming from Naruto surprised me.

"I-I don't think I've changed that much!" Maybe he was just astounded by my beau-

"No, I seriously don't know you." 💢 How rude could this guy be?

"SHANAROOO!" I aimed a quick punch towards his head to set him straight, but he dodges it.

He never dodges it. "Kid, that's enough now." "He has amnesia."

...Pov back to normal....

'Poof '  "That's disgusting." The little kid and everyone else look surprised I said that.

I have decency you know... I think. "WHAT IS YOUR PROBLEM?!"


The girls grabs me by my shirt. Before I can tell her off I am immediately let go and the girl is being pulled back.

"Sakura! Calm down! He has no say in the matter. And if you want to bl-"

It seems the older blonde women near the pink haired girl has already started chasing the old man.

After some time she seemed to stop.

"..." "All right! Enough with the emotional reunion. Kakashi. Tell them!"

The white haired man I now know as Kakashi stepped up.

"Wow, it sure has been awhile." "From here on out, you two... are going to be part of my team again."

"Not as students, but as equals"

"As long as you can complete  the test of course" "Now I want to see how much you've both grown."

"The rules are the sane as when we first met.. Attack as though you mean to kill or you'll never stand a chance."

I, of course did what he asked.

I rushed towards him. I blitzed him making him topple over.

POV Change

Kakashi jumps into the air where and epic air battle starts.

They start to fall but they still keep eye contact and are fighting.

Naruto makes a punch for the left. Kakashi blocks it.

But then out of nowhere... Kakashi is knocked down by Naruto's punch.

Naruto lands on the ground and kicks Kakashi to the tree.

Sakura and the rest stare in astonishment as
Naruto proceeds to completely and utterly
Destroy Kakashi

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