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They try to keep the conversation going but inevitably they all fall silent not even five minutes later. They simply stare at Carlos as his chest rises and falls gently, ever so gently.

His eyes flutter open just as Mal gets a strange feeling inside her, as if someone were watching. She turns to look behind her but there's no one there, it's just the wall. When she turns back Carlos is staring at that exact spot.

"I love you all" Carlos says turning his attention to the people sitting before him, his friends, his family. Her grabs Jane's hand and kisses the top of it.

"Everything I have goes to you all, mainly you Jane" Carlos winks at her causing her to smile sadly, she doesn't stop the tears that begin to fall. No one does.

"Do you want me to tell your mother?" Victoria asks her voice soft and shaky, Daniel places a hand on her knee

"Please" Carlos nods "and tell her I love, despite everything" Victoria simply nods

"Don't leave us" Evie cries softly "It's the most selfish thing I have ever asked for but," she hiccups "I just can't..." she doesn't finish and Carlos gives her a kiss on the cheek

"You can" he smiles at her "you all can" he turns to everyone else "life isn't fair, we know this better than anyone and even so look at what we have, what we've found and fought for. I'll always be with you"

Everyone reaches out to him and Carlos holds their hands one at a time. He kisses Jane one last time and leans back in bed, he gives a shaky breath and that's it.

He looks as if he were sleeping. Eyes closed, a faint smile on his lips. His hand slightly outstretched to someone none of them can see. Victoria stares at his chest, willing it to rise. She begs to every god and power she knows willing to trade anything they demand, no cost is too high, the voices are silent and no one answers her. His chest doesn't rise again.

Evie hides her face into Doug's chest as she sobs uncontrollably. Lonnie and Jay bring Jane into their hug as they finally let go and break down. Mal cries on Ben's shoulder and he cries into her hair. Uma, Gil and Harry stare at the body in defiance, as if they could make him wake up, just by sheer Will alone but nothing happens and a sob escapes from Uma's lips. It's such a heartbreaking sound that it makes Gil and Harry cry.

"I'm so sorry" Daniel whispers into Victoria's ear as they hold each other. Victoria stares over his shoulder to the wall behind them and she could have sworn the shadows there have gotten darker. But she blinks and it's gone, he's gone. She grabs Daniel's shirt tighter as she allows herself to grieve.

No one keeps track of how long it's been since Carlos left however slowly, ever so slowly they all stop crying. Jane wipes away her tears and blows her nose, she hands everyone else the box of tissues and has to get another one from the nightstand as Jay just takes the whole box.

"Preparations have been made" Ben sniffs his voice gruff "you don't have to worry about anything" Jane gives him a weak smile

"He wanted to be cremated" Evie whispers

"With my flame" Mal nods remembering his last wishes, wishes they made together after a nasty fight with their parents. Mal, Jay, Evie and Carlos planned their funerals to the last detail that night and had each other vow that they would carry them out, no matter what.

"Should we start?" Jay asks standing and heading over to the closet, no one answers but they do nod. Jay takes out a clothes bag from the closet and unzips it. He, Gil, and Harry change him into his favorite black and white stripped suit.

"I have to tell his mother" Victoria says standing stiffly, she rubs her neck and pops her back. She turns around and walks out. She doesn't hear anyone call to her or stop when Daniel grabs her arm, she's walking on auto-pilot. Daniel realices and instead of stopping her he just follows behind her making sure she doesn't walk into traffic or off the bridge which she might do without even noticing.

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