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Daniel doesn't say anything as he sits Victoria down on the toilet seat and he sits down on his heels. He brings the trashcan closer and grabs the tweezers Evie slipped into his hand as he left.

Slowly and ever so gentle he starts to remove the glass shards from her palm. Her blood makes a faint plunk sound as it falls into the bin. The glass shards make a lovely crystal sound as they fall despite being covered in blood. There's a rather large one that makes Victoria flinch as Daniel removes it, but she doesn't make a sound and neither does he.

It takes a while but finally Daniel removes the last piece and takes Victoria over to the sink to rinse her hand. The water runs red and she winces as Daniel cleans the wounds. He grabs the thread and needle and asks silently if she wants them or if she'll heal herself. Victoria offers her palm as answer and he starts to stitch the larger cuts. When he's done he washes her hand again and offers her a bandage, Victoria nods so he carefully wraps her hand, she wants to feel it sting every time she uses it.

Now that everything is clean and bandaged, they sit on the bathroom floor on a very nice rug plush enough that they could stay like as long as necessary. Daniel holds her injured hand gently in his and lifts her chin with his free hand.

"What happened love?" He asks at last. Victoria looks at the floor and opens her mouth carefully, making sure her magic has subsided and takes a deep breath, even so as she exhales Daniel can feel the warmth of her magic tickle his face.

"It's not fair" Victoria says looking up, it's not hard for Daniel to make the connection, he sighs and rubs her wrist since her hand is bandaged.

"Lea and Harry are hard to see aren't they?" He asks and Victoria nods "It's not fair" he agrees and Victoria wants to curl her hand but Daniel quickly places his hand over it, the bandage is already a bit red anyway.

"My magic flared up as I saw them there sitting so close together, laughing and smiling together" Victoria starts "Lea will never know what it's like to see Harry and have to fight the tremors that run down my spine and through my hands. They'll never have to worry about Harry's raised hand being something other than gentle. A sudden movement doesn't mean alarm for them" she snorts "probably doesn't even notice"

"Lea will never see Harry as a monster" Daniel adds and Victoria nods, her fingertips tense against his hand as she tries to curl her hand in anger, Daniel won't let her so she curls her other hand "Lea doesn't see the man Harry was"

"And I do" Victoria snaps "I see him every time I look at Harry, it's like a mirage; I can see the man he is now but I can always see the person he was lurking beneath the surface, ready to strike if I let my guard down" Victoria shakes her head

"I want to warn Lea, tell them all the horrible things Harry has done but that's not fair either" Victoria slams her fist on the rug "changing hasn't been easy and it's Harry's story to tell if he ever wants to. If Lea ever asks me I'll tell her my story still I can't help but feel like I owe it to them. They should be fully informed as to who they're with"

"Will you tell her about all the horrible things you and everyone else has done or just Harry's past?" Daniel asks and it throws Victoria off guard "remember love, he's not the only one that's harmed others, that's killed, or tortured. You've done that too" Victoria stares at him, frowns and rolls her eyes as she groans

"You're so annoying" she sneers but Daniel just laughs and leans forward to kiss her "nothings fair and it's all so fucking difficult" she runs her hand through her hair and leans forward until she touches Daniels chest. He strokes her hair for a while before poking her back, she groans in response.

"I'm very hungry" he says and his stomach growls, Victoria laughs and stands up, Daniel follows suit and kisses her once more

"Can you handle this?" He asks and Victoria curls her fingers testing her magic letting a thin tendril run between them.

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