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"How are the Lost Boys?" Victoria asks, Uma looks down at her crew as they both stand on the crows nest.

"They're fast learners" Uma smiles, crossing her arms over her chest "we'll retake the ocean in the blink of an eye just you wait"

"I don't doubt it" Victoria nods, very pleased "do you like being captain?" Uma smiles

"It's the best feeling in the world" she sighs content "out there, I'm my own boss no one gives me orders" she chuckles and pushes Victoria gently "except for you" Victoria chuckles

"Would you like to be commander?" She asks cautiously and Uma perks up "you would be in charge of all my vessels"

"Would I have to live there?" She asks pointing to the castle and wrinkling her nose

"No, my navy General is at the castle, you would spend all your time at sea and report to him" Victoria explains but Uma shrugs and looks down at her crew once more

"No thanks" she says "I'm good with just my Boys" Victoria nods, she had expected Uma to say something like that, but she had to give it a shot anyway

"If you change your mind the offer is always there" Victoria adds and pushes her back

"Thanks Tori" Uma smiles "but being a pirate, an adventurer, is too good to give up for a higher stuffier position. Being captain allows me to be out there for weeks and not have to look out for anyone but my crew"

"I understand" Victoria assures her "I'm not offended Uma" Uma smiles at her quickly and turns to look at the castle longingly

"How much time does he have left?" Uma doesn't say his name and she doesn't have to, Victoria tenses up just a little, it's something she fears she'll never be able to get rid of.

"By the time you're ready to set sail for your next trip he'll be a free man" Victoria says a bit more tense than she wanted to sound. Six months have gone far too fast for her liking but Victoria has faith in her system, and she won't let him leave unless she's positive that he has either changed or is scarred of her enough to stay in line.

"How's Gil?" Victoria asks changing the topic

"He's fine" Uma smiles, from down below they can hear Gil running around with the Lost Boys laughing and joking together.

"I know I just got here but I have to go" Victoria sighs and leans over the edge "duty calls" Uma smiles at her and squeezes her hand

"You keep everyone safe on land and I'll keep everyone safe out there" she nods to the open sea and Victoria smiles

"Will do" they hug tightly before Victoria walks straight into the main mast and disappears.

Victoria appears in her council room ready and on time for their next five consecutive meetings. Daniel reaches out for her hand

"How's Uma?" He asks kissing her wrist

"Thrilled that she's back to being a pirate" Victoria laughs

"She does know she's not technically a pirate right?" Daniel jokes "they can't steal from other people" Victoria turns and gives him a conspiracy grin

"They can if they don't get caught" Daniel groans and it makes her smile "relax, no one has proof anyway"

"Victoria!" He says feigning outrage "what will the other kingdoms say?!" He's far too dramatic for his own good, he gets that from his dad

"The other kingdoms have their own pirates so why shouldn't I?" Victoria beams "besides mine are the best" Daniel chuckles and their first meeting begins.

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