18 | Roses

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"YOU blew it didn't you?"

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"YOU blew it didn't you?"

Bruce rubbed the back of his neck, giving Alfred his neck. "I panicked."

"That, Master Wayne, is hard to believe." Alfred answered with his arms crossed. "That poor woman's heart is being dragged against the pavement because you can't seem to figure things out." He scolded with his blue eyes narrowed. "How is that fair?"

"What do you want me to say, Alfred? That I should just tell her I'm Batman so fast?"

Alfred shrugged. "You did it with Ms. Dawes." He then crossed his arms. "And from your little comm miscommunication, I assume you've taken her to bed." Bruce said nothing. "Master Wayne, I am sure Madam Kent will be in more danger if Batman further associates himself with her." Bruce gave a deep sigh as he leaned his head to rest on the back of the couch. "I know her safety is your main priority, but what of her feelings? Are they not as important?"


JESSICA left her apartment to attend a gala Bruce had invited her to as a favor.

She wore an emerald sleeveless dress that rested an inch off the floor with her matching velvet pumps. She pushed her curled hair away from her face as she pushed up her other set of glasses, her Harry Potter glasses, that is what she called them. She was surprised to get a phone call from Bruce asking about taking her to a gala.

"Wow," Bruce smiled. "You look stunning."

Jessica adjusted her glasses with a nervous smile. "Thank you." He opened the door to his 1969 black Chevy Impala with a tender smile, letting Jessica in

"This is a beautiful car." Jessica complemented, running her hand over the dashboard with a smile. "My dad had one from 59."

Bruce shrugged his shoulders from the window, a smirk on his face. "Where we're going, the car first just right in." When Bruce rounded the back of the car, Jessica leaned over and unlocked the door for him.

Bruce entered the driver's side and pulled off with ease. While driving through the rides of Metropolis, he made conversation. He asked the normal questions, how her day was, what is new in the journalism world, things like that.

"Why did you become a reporter?" Bruce asked curiously. "From our last date at the museum, you know a lot more than the average reporter." Jessica sent him a look with a raised brow. "I'm not saying it's a bad thing!" He defends with a hand up in defense. "I've just never seen someone so interested in science as a reporter."

Jessica's red-stained lips turned upwards into a smile. "No, you're right." She pushed a strand of hair behind her ear. "I became a reporter because I wanted to write the truth for the people. I couldn't do that with science."

"But you'd be changing the world with scientific breakthroughs." Bruce explained. "We do it all the time at Wayne Enterprises."

Jessica chuckled. "I can change the world through words Bruce. By factual evidence. I didn't win a Pulitzer against Lois Lane for no reason."

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