16 | The Red Capes Are Coming

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IT was late, couldn't have been ten o'clock when he dropped in on her balcony

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IT was late, couldn't have been ten o'clock when he dropped in on her balcony.

She didn't care whether he checked up on her at this point. Her entire thought process was consumed on the news station the entire day. They had announced earlier in the day that they were going to move forward with the congressional brief with the Supertwins; the date and time were to follow after the meeting concluded. When those words were announced, Jessica's stomach dropped straight into a pool of negative ambiances.

"Hi." She greeted mindlessly, eyes never leaving her tv screen.

Bruce looked at the screen with a grunt. "I guess you heard about the hearing?"

"Of course, I've heard, Bats, I'm a journalist." She chuckled amusingly. "She told me she was afraid this was going to happen and now look." There was no escaping it anymore, the dread of facing the entire nation, the entire world, was smacking her in the face. "Oy vey." She sighed.

Bruce let his cape shroud over his tall form. "You really need new friends."

Jess rolled her eyes. "That would also mean getting rid of you and I don't think that's an option with you."

"You stand correct." When she sat quiet, fingers fiddling with something plastic, he spoke. "Jess? Are you alright?"

"Yeah..." She nodded while turning the volume down on her tv. She sat in the middle of her bed, tossing her remote beside her. "No... actually, I'm not."

"What is it?" Batman asked, walking closer to her. Before he could ask another question, she sprung out the black foil he left for her. He stopped in his tracks, acknowledging what she was implying.

"Can our next time be right now?" She questioned, looking at him with a smile.

Bruce stared at the black condom packet between her fingers before smirking. The minute his eyes landed on the packet; his common sense was switched off as he couldn't help but give in to what she was asking. Then, two hours later, they were back where they were a mere few nights ago.

"Better now?" He asked, his hand running down the soft skin of her back.

Jess kept her eyes closed, breathing in his scent. "Mhm." She smiled. "Surprisingly, you make my day better, besides our constant bickering."

Bruce felt himself snort. "I try and liberate you from your pride."

"You should work on that first." She smirked. "Your pride is worse than mine. The scars on your body are proof enough."

"Hmph, you should see my x-rays."

She kissed the biggest one he had, ever so gently. "This job you do... it takes a toll on you." She mumbled with a sigh. "I know I'm not your girlfriend or anything, but it makes me worry."

Bruce leaned his head against her headboard with a sigh through his nose. "Listen, I've been saving Gotham for twenty years. It hasn't killed me yet." He ran his hand through her hair. "You don't need to worry about me because I'm not going anywhere."

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