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THE sun had begun to tower over the Daily Planet, illuminating the giant golden sphere that sat atop one of the oldest newspaper companies in all of Metropolis

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THE sun had begun to tower over the Daily Planet, illuminating the giant golden sphere that sat atop one of the oldest newspaper companies in all of Metropolis.

Jessica was usually always one of the first people, in her office building, to be inside. It was her extra time to do some more research in the records archive without getting her ass chewed out by Perry for not working on her articles.

For someone who had a secret identity, she sure was bad at being sneaky. That day, she opted on just going straight to her cubicle before the day started. Started meaning she would bump into someone and get coffee spilled all over her clothes.

When she managed to avoid even that, Perry was yelling at her about something. Today must be her lucky day. "Alright people, a couple of stories for today!" Perry shouted, catching everyone's attention. "We got last night's game, Kansas State versus Metropolis Sharks."

Jessica smirked before turning her attention to Chris, a tall middle-aged black man who had a small scowl on his face. "I expect my fifty dollars in fives and compliments." The office erupted into a fit of chuckles.

"Alright, back on track people." Perry redirected with a smile on his face.

"I'll take last night's game." Chris sighed. "Although it was disgraceful."

"Just like your bets against Jess." Lois teased.

Perry continued with a roll of his eyes. He had the most immature reporters, but he couldn't help but be thankful they've kept him entertained through his years at the Planet. "Now, we have a press conference downtown." Stacy raised her hand, writing notes down at the same time. "Lois, you got the cold brother court case downtown, and, last but not least, one of the girls that were found in one of those safe houses for sex trafficking in Gotham reached out to us and wants us to help get her story out."

Jessica and Clark both jumped up at the word Gotham. "I'll take it!" They said in unison.

"They're doing that weird twin thing again." Doug grumbled as

Jessica threw her pencil at him with narrowed eyes.

"And you're bringing your two senses into things again."

Perry rolled his eyes at their bickering. "Jess, you have Gotham. Kent, you have sports."

"Perry," Clark started. "I don't think sending Jess is a good idea."

Perry raised a brow, curious to see how this was going to play out. "Why not?"

Clark tucked his hand into his pocket. "For starters, she's not equipped to handle a story like that."

"Oh, and you are?" Jessica started as Lois squeezed her eyes closed. "Need I remind you, I've been sticking my nose into danger way before you started at the Planet, thank you very much." Perry and Chris made eye contact with each other before they mouthed ten bucks, placing their bets on who would win this argument that was ready to brew.

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