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"Reckon we should go after him?" George said as he turned to Angelina and Fiona

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"Reckon we should go after him?" George said as he turned to Angelina and Fiona. Angelina nodded, Fiona, however, twisted her hands in the sleeve of Fred's jumper.

"Well..." Fiona squeaked, her face became scrunched. "Maybe we just let them figure it out?"

George and Angelina shared an incredulous look before turning to Fiona.

Fiona wasn't exactly prepared to face Fred after running off on him, and she was even less prepared to face Cedric's wrath.

Rage wasn't an emotion Cedric entertained often. In fact, Fiona had only witnessed a truly enraged Cedric three times in her life. The first time was when they were toddlers. Fiona had broken his practice broom, Cedric had had the temper tantrum to end all tantrums. Then once again, in their second year when Marcus Flint had compared Fiona to a squib. The third time was after Professor Snape had spent 15 minutes berating poor Heidi during a lesson.

Fiona had learned to duck her head and allow his emotions to consume him until they burned out. His rage was like fire, burning hot, but quick to die.

If Cedric could direct his anger towards Fred, it would save her from a rather unpleasant scolding.

"You're unbelievable," Angelina said, shaking her head as her disapproval was evident to even a blind witch.

"Fine," Fiona huffed, she couldn't expect to convince two Gryffindors the importance of self-preservation.

"So where do you think he ran off to?" George pondered as he tapped his thumb to the area between his lip and chin.

"Better question is where is Fred," Angelina added.

On the other side of the castle Fred was lounging on a stone bench in the courtyard outside the Transfiguration classroom. One hand raking through his hair, while his other hand dangling at his side, grazing over the grass. "Why does she have to make this so difficult?" He groaned.

Beside him, Lee Jordan leaned against the castle wall. He held his hand to his forehead, blocking out the sunlight as he peered around the courtyard. With squinting eyes he examined a group of huddled Beauxbaton girls. They were giggling between sneaking glances at the two Gryffindors. Cassius Warrington and Adrian Pucey were standing beside the girls, failing horridly to gain their attention.

"Doesn't really seem like they're worth all the trouble — women," Lee said as his hand fell to his side and his attention turned back to Fred. Fred was scowling at a passing cloud, as if it were the cause for his displeasure that afternoon.

"Weasley!" A voice called from across the courtyard. Fred sat up from the stone slab where he lay to see Cedric Diggory strutting towards them.

Cedric was not the Diggory Fred had wanted to see approaching him.

Fred gulped nervously as Cedric quickly closed the gap between them. There was a burning animosity developing in Cedric's eyes. They were narrowed on Fred — appearing rigid, cold, hard. Behind those gray eyes was something more intense than normal thought and his clenched jaw was not a good sign. Fred had a feeling he was the root cause of the problem.

Blind Spots {Fred Weasley}Where stories live. Discover now