The Search Begins

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"Team Avatar" ,as they like to call themselves, gape at me, mouths open. Zuko tries to speak, but he can't seem to get any words out. The chief of the Sun Warriors grunts for some reason and he, along with his tribe, disappear into several caves in the stone walls. Never at a loss for words, Sokka speaks up.
"So we need to find Zuko's mom. Soon. Right?"
"Yes. We need to leave. I think she may be in...In Ba Seng Se." I cringe at the last part, still hurt from my failure, even if I was evil at the time. Katara finally sighs and tells us to get on Appa, the flying buffalo-no, flying bison.
And jumps onto the beasts head and calls out "yip!yip!" and we take off. At first, the height scares me, but I relax soon enough. As I look down at the earth below me, I feel as if I have become unattached to the problems I have with it. Is this the feeling airbenders center their culture around? This... freedom? That's not so bad, I guess.
I'm suddenly jerked from my thoughts by a poke in the shoulder. The group of kids are staring at me, and I can tell that I have missed a conversation while I was pondering life. My cheeks are aflame as I ask,"Uhh, what?"
Toph speaks up.
"Where do we need to start our search?"
"Well, she would probably have come as a refugee, so in the outer ring."
Suddenly Sokka lets out a groan.
"No, not that place again!"
"Sokka! This is Zuko's mom! We're going to find her no matter what. Don't be rude!" his sister chastises him. His hangs his head low in shame. That water bender girl seemed to act more like a mom to the group than a sister and friend.
"Okay, Appa. Take us to the outer ring." Aang says to the flying beast as he pats its head. I don't think I'll ever understand the avatar's bond with that creature.
We fly for a while before we see the walls of Ba Seng Se. My heart seems to skip a beat.
It's for Ursa. It's for Ursa. I repeat over and over in my head. I don't know why it scares me so, but the city causes my heart to jump in my throat and my hands to tremble uncontrollably.
As we pass over the wall, a few guards wave, but we are unheeded for the most part. We land in a large opening at the end of an alleyway.
"Ugh, it smells so bad here!" Toph exclaims.
"Why does that surprise you? You used to live here!" Aang questioned.
"I lived in the inner ring, Twinkle Toes!"
I was beginning to learn the children's personalities and quirks. Katara was not easily won over by anyone, but trusted them whole-heartedly once she decided she liked them. She was very maternal and seemed over protective of the necklace she wore around her neck.

Sokka loved food and jokes, and the boomerang on his back seemed to hold a very special place in his heart. It was obvious that he was protective of his sister.
Toph was blunt. And I mean very blunt. She spoke whatever came to her mind. She sometimes fought with Katara, but I can tell that the two really care for each other.
As for Aang, I do not know. He is still a mystery to me. However, I do feel some kind of connection to him that I cannot explain. I know he will be an essential part of my new life. Do not ask me how I know this, I just do. Maybe it has something to do with me becoming a spirit. Whatever it is, I can't help but wonder if the avatar will ever truly trust me. He barely talks to me. It's understandable, as I tried to kill him. And the world. But I wish he would talk to me. I have changed. I will make it up to them, to everyone. And it starts today.
We get off Appa and look at each other.
"Well, let's begin the search!" I exclaim.

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