As birds fly home

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He couldn't breathe and didn't fully realize what his father had just said. It couldn't be true. His mother had always been a marvelous fighter. He didn't want to believe his father. He wanted to think he was joking, Lying even, but he knew his father was serious. Even if he hadn't known him, he still could clearly hear the imense grief and sadness in his voice.

"Connor? Are you there, son?"

"Yes," he wanted to say, but his voice cracked.

"Go find your sister. Find Elora and come home."

Then his father hung up. Come home, he'd said. That meant going back to Idris, to their family house in the glass city. Most of the times he'd been there were to watch funeral pyres burn and leave behind nothing but sadness and ashes. He didn't want to see his mother burn. He tilted his head backwards and closed his eyes, as he forced back the tears. Not here. Not now. He had to find his sister first. He opened the door to the club and was attacked by the overwhelming music. He pushed through the crowd of dancing people until he found his sister, still intematly dancing with her boyfriend.

"Elora," he croacked. Of coarse she hadn't heard him. "Elora." He tried again, raising his voice. He shouted her name at last and she must've noticed something strange about his voice, because she turned around with her eyes widened. He didn't know how to put it; Didn't find find words to tell her what had happened without hurting her.

"Mother's..." He started.

"What's with mom?" She asked, "Is she angry again. If so, you tell her..."

He silenced her with one look and breathed.

"She's dead, Elly."

After he'd managed to get the words out, he saw his sister's face change to all different emotions. Disbelief, at first, followed by deep sadness and hoplesness. She'd clasped her hands in front of her mouth and shook her head as if denying it would undo what had happened. Tears rolled down her cheek and for a moment, the loud music faded away and there was only them, sharing the same sadness. He took his sister, who was smaller than him, into his arms as she said while sobbing:

"No. No, no, no. This can't be happening. Make it stop, Connor."

He could barely hold himself from tearing up and he held her tighter, rocking her like his mother had done once when they'd been crying.

"We have to go to Idris, Elly," He said as an answer, "we have to be with dad."

She nodded and stepped back, whiping the tears from her cheeks with her sleeve. She was strong too. A hand was placed on her shoulder as Emyll asked her what was wrong. He only saw him embracing her as she burried her head in her hands and then he went to look for someone else. Darius was still in the same spot and immediatly saw something was wrong. He excused himself and then parted from the group of shadowhunters he'd been talking too. His eyes showed worry.

"What's wrong, Connor?"

"Not here." He answered, only because he wouldn't manage to say those words again without breaking down to tears. Darius nodded understandingly and said a quick goodbye to the other Shadowhunters. As they escaped the loud music and the outside air touched their faces, he only managed to get a few steps, before falling to his knees. People didn't show him any attention. Most likely because someone stumbling out of there and falling was regular business. But he hadn't fallen out of being drunk, seeing the outside world had been enough. Inside, it had seem almost surreal, somehow, but now that he saw the world outside, the world his mother wasn't living in anymore, he couldn't handle it anymore. Darius knelt besides him and hed his hand on his shoulder.

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