Crawling For You

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✨Penelope ✨
I woke up to annalise crying , I picked her up and patted her back as I went downstairs to get a warm milk for her. as I made my way towards the kitchen I felt as if something was watching me or someone. I kept looking over my shoulder but nothing was there, then I heard rustling in the leaves outside. I felt someone behind me and I turned punching the person in the jaw.
"Penny wtf." Mason said.
"Shit mas ! " I said.
"Well I didn't know you wanted to kill me." he said holding his jaw.
"Well don't fucking scare me." I said holding my chest.
"Well I was gonna say what are you doing down here but I see your getting your baby something to drink." he said.
"Oh yea and sorry mas didn't mean to." I said kissing his cheek.
"Yea love you too." he said as I walked off and stopped halfway.
"What are you doing down here?" I asked looking back at him.
"I was hungry." he said looking at me like I should already know. I shook my head and laughed and fees annalise her bottle and she starts to drift off to sleep as I lay back down on my bed and fall asleep.
I woke up to Vianna watching cartoons on the tv we had in the room. I turned over.
"Goodmorning mommy." she said brightly as I smiled.
"Morning baby." I said sitting up and rubbing my eyes.
"Where's daddy? " I asked.
"Meeting." she said drinking her juice as I saw Bianca walk in with shorts a long sleeve shirt and her hair was wet.
"Take care of the kids?" I asked as she nodded.
"Wait penny ." she said.
"I need to tell you something." she said looking at her hands.
"What is it ? " I asked concern.
"I'm pregnant." she said looking at her hands as my mouth flew open.
"Bee ! " I said loudly, but I couldn't judge my sister I had 3 kids and vianna at the age of 18 and Bianca is 16.
"Bianca you have to tell mom just like I did." I said pulling her head up.
"No please don't make me." she said tears spilling from her eyes as I hugged her.
"Who's the dad ? " I asked trying to get her mind off the topic of telling my parents.
"Doven." she said wiping her tears.
"Have you told him?" I asked.
"No not yet." she said sniffling.
"You gotta let him know even if he acts like an asshole don't listen to him focus on your child and you cause the baby growing inside you is a wonderful thing." I said smiling and placing my hand over her stomach, even though it was even possible to tell she was pregnant but Bianca is thin so in a few weeks she'll start to show. She just smiled looked at her stomach.
"I'm gonna be a mother." she said looking at me smiling.
"I'm going to be a mom." she said as I smiled and so did she.
"Yes your going to be mom." I said hugging her as someone cleared there throat and we saw it was River.
"Who's pregnant?" He asked.
"Bianca." I said as she looked down.
"Bee it's okay don't be ashamed I know you feel bad that you got pregnant at a young age but having a baby is a wonderful thing they teach you a lot." he said smiling at the end as he hugged Bianca.
"Luckily I can't kill you so I'll kill the dad." he joked as we laughed.
"Hush." I said kissed him as doven came Bianca's face turned pale. I looked over.
"I'll leave you two alone." I said taking River by the hand and going in my room. River laid on the bed with vianna and I laid annalise on the bed changing her diaper and then putting her on a pillow that gives her support and then I got abel out of his bed and laid him down changed is diaper and put a pacifier in his mouth and one in Annalise's mouth and I laid abel down. today was the day that jennifer was going to be executed for what she did.
Bianca walked in and smiled.
"What he say?" I asked.
"He was shocked but happy." she said.
"Where is he ? " River asked.
"Outside with the other people." She said walking over to the window. one of the pack members knocked on our door.
"Come in." I said as they walked in.
"It's time." he said as River and I looked at each other and nodded.
"Vivi stay her with auntie bee daddy and I are going outside for a bit okay." I said as she nodded and kissed my cheek. I smiled and left. River and I walked downstairs hand in hand. we went outside and stood with the crowd of people.
"Jennifer you are being executed for the crimes you have commited." mason said as River got up on the stand and took me with him.
"Let this be known Diablo ! If you ever hurt anyone in this pack or anyone in another pack this will be you ! " River yelled as everyone yelled yes !
"Any last words?" Mason asked.
"Yes , I hope all of you burn in hell! " She laughed as I took the gun myself and shot her in the forehead 4 times. everyone cheered. All of a sudden we heard a cry in the woods and saw el Diablo with an army behind him.
"You think killing her will stop me !?" I yelled laughing.
"No but this well ."I said shooting three of his men which I knew were close to him.
"You bitch ! " He yelled.
"Attack!" River yelled as people shifted and others ran inside with there children. I ripped some of his army's throats out. I saw River fighting off el Diablo and two wolfs we're going for River as I ran and tore there ribs out. I heard a cry and I knew it was rivers I turned to see my mate bleeding from his side. all I saw was red and ran to el Diablo and tore his throat out angrily not caring about people telling me to stop.
"Penelope River ! " Mason yelled as I stopped and Bianca came and have me a robe and I shifted back .
"Call the pack doctor quick ! " I yelled as I ran over to River.
"Baby please stay with me." I said tears falling down my face quickly.
"Please I need you ! " I cried.
"I love you." he tried to say.
"Please don't leave me , the kids and I need you." I said crying harder as the pack doctor came quickly and four of the pack members including mason carried River to the doctors.
Bianca held me as I cried my eyes out. I need my mate. I went to change into some sweats and a top and a I put on one of rivers sweater and ran down to the pack doctors place.
"How is he ?!" I asked frantically.
"His okay he just has minor injuries." Aimee the pack doctor said as I sighed in relief.
"But he needs to rest for a while." she said as I nodded.
"May I see him?" I asked my voice hoarse from crying.
"Yes of course right this way." she said leading me as I followed behind her seeing River wide awake and when he saw me he tried to smile but it looked like it hurt. I walked over to him and kissed his lips.
"I thought I was gonna lose you." I said between kisses.
"Never." he said kissing me harder as we pulled away.
"He can leave in 3 days but for now get some rest." the doctor said smiling.
"Thank you." I said smiling as she nodded and left. I turned to see River asleep I smiled. god how much I love River. I'm glad his my mate he makes me happy he gave me three wonderful kids who I am so grateful for. I kissed his cheek and left letting him rest. I went to my room seeing my kids sleeping. annalise and abel were in there cribs and Vivi was tucked in my bed I smiled and kissed there heads as vianna woke up.
"Shh." I said as she put her hands out for me to carry her. I picked her up and she laid her head on my shoulder and I walked downstairs with her into the living room and saw Bianca, doven , and my parents I sat down.
"Mom , dad I have to tell you guys something." Bianca said looking at me as I nodded for her to go on.
"What is it baby?" My mom asked concern as doven held her hand and smiled lightly at Bianca his eyes held love and care for Bianca I smiled at them.
"I'm pregnant." she said as my parents mouth flew open.
"You son of a bitch ! " My dad yelled as my mom held my dad back.
"Honey no ! " She said as my dad tried calming down.
"Ohh grandpa said a bad word mommy." Vivi said as we laughed.
"Look mom I'm glad I'm pregnant and doven has decided to help me wether you guys like it or not I'm having this baby." Bianca said.
"Oh baby we'll we can't change anything now but what's wrong with you kids getting pregnant." my mom said as we laughed. God how I love my family through the bad and good there always here.

Omg so I finished this chapter just 1 more chapter left till I'm finished 😭
Well I love you guys and thanks for being so supportive 💖 , don't forget to follow me on Instagram @joxcelyn 💕
Btw a pic of Bianca on the side 😚

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